See what makes April 7 special at Famous Daily. History, birthdays, holiday, and a quote!
What happened on April 7
- April 7, 0030 "Death - Jesus crucified by Roman troops in Jerusalem (scholars' estimate, according to astronomer Schaefer)"
- April 7, 0030 Jesus crucified by Roman troops in Jerusalem (scholars' estimate)
- April 7, 0529 First draft of Corpus Juris Civilis (a fundamental work in jurisprudence) is issued by Eastern Roman Emperor Justinian I.
- April 7, 0924 "Death - Berengarius I Emperor of Italy, murdered"
- April 7, 1348 Charles University is founded in Prague.
- April 7, 1444 "Death - John Capreolus French theologist (Libri IV), dies at about 50"
- April 7, 1498 "Death - Charles VIII King of France (1483-98), dies at 27"
- April 7, 1506 "Birthday - St Francis Xavier Jesuit missionary to India, Malaya, & Japan"
- April 7, 1521 Ferdinand Magellan arrives at Cebu.
- April 7, 1524 "Death - Philip of Burgundy bishop of Utrecht, dies"
- April 7, 1534 Birthday - Jos de Anchieta Spanish jesuit/missionary (Brazilian Tupi-Indians)
- April 7, 1541 Francis Xavier leaves Lisbon on a mission to the Portuguese East Indies.
- April 7, 1613 Birthday - Gerard Dou Dutch painter (Night School)
- April 7, 1614 "Death - El Greco Spanish painter (View of Toledo), dies (birth date unknown)"
- April 7, 1614 "El Greco Spanish painter, dies (birth date unknown)"
- April 7, 1622 Birthday - Louise Hollandine daughter of King Frederik V & Elizabeth Stuart
- April 7, 1629 "Birthday - Juan Jos of Austria, Spanish General/Governor of Netherlands"
- April 7, 1648 Birthday - Ferdinand van Kessel Flemish painter
- April 7, 1652 "Dutch establish settlement at Cape Town, S Africa"
- April 7, 1694 Birthday - Coelestin Praelisauer composer
- April 7, 1699 Birthday - Andreas Benedikt Praelisauer composer
- April 7, 1712 A slave rebellion breaks out in New York City.
- April 7, 1712 Slave revolt (NYC)
- April 7, 1719 "Death - Jean-Baptiste de la Salle French priest/theory/saint, dies at 67"
- April 7, 1727 Birthday - Henri Hardouin composer
- April 7, 1727 Birthday - Michel Adanson French biologist (Natural History of Sngal)
- April 7, 1745 Birthday - Georg Druschetzky composer
- April 7, 1748 Birthday - Georg Wenzel Ritter composer
- April 7, 1756 Birthday - Charles Felix King of Sardina (1821-31)
- April 7, 1763 Birthday - Domenico Dragonetti composer
- April 7, 1766 "Death - Tiberius Hemsterhuis Dutch classicist, dies at 81"
- April 7, 1767 "Death - Franz Sparry composer, dies at 51"
- April 7, 1768 Birthday - Karl Theodor Toeschi composer
- April 7, 1768 "Death - Michel Mathieu composer, dies at 78"
- April 7, 1770 "Birthday - William Wordsworth England, poet laureate (The Prelude)"
- April 7, 1772 Birthday - F M Charles Fourier French socialist
- April 7, 1775 Birthday - Francis C Lowell founded 1st raw cotton-to-cloth textile mill
- April 7, 1778 "Death - Johann Balthasar Kehl composer, dies at 52"
- April 7, 1780 "Birthday - William Ellery Channing US, Unitarian clergyman"
- April 7, 1783 "Death - Ignaz Jakob Holzbauer composer, dies at 71"
- April 7, 1786 Birthday - William Rufus DeVane King (D) 13th US Vice President (1853)
- April 7, 1788 "First settlement in Ohio, at Marietta"
- April 7, 1789 "Death - Abdl-Hamid I 27th sultan of Turkey (1774-89), dies at 64"
- April 7, 1789 "Death - Peter Camper anatomist/animal scholar, dies at 66"
- April 7, 1795 France adopts the metre as the basic measure of length.
- April 7, 1798 Territory of Mississippi organized
- April 7, 1798 The Mississippi Territory is organized from territory ceded by Georgia and South Carolina and is later twice expanded to include disputed territory claimed by both the U.S. and Spain.
- April 7, 1801 "Birthday - Henry Eagle Commander (Union Navy), died in 1882"
- April 7, 1803 Birthday - Flora Tristan writer
- April 7, 1803 "Death - [Franois Dominique] Toussaint L'Ouverture Haitian revolutionary, dies"
- April 7, 1805 "Birthday - Francis Wilkinson Pickens (Governor-SC, Confederacy), died in 1869"
- April 7, 1805 First public performance of Beethoven's Third Symphony (Eroica).
- April 7, 1805 Lewis and Clark Expedition: The Corps of Discovery breaks camp among the Mandan tribe and resumes its journey West along the Missouri River.
- April 7, 1810 "Death - Pieter L van de Kasteele Dutch politician/patriot, dies at 61"
- April 7, 1819 Birthday - Hubert Leonard composer
- April 7, 1820 Birthday - Gyrgy Klapka Hungarian General/MP (Komrom-castle)
- April 7, 1822 Birthday - Gershom Mott Major General (Union volunteers)
- April 7, 1826 Birthday - Johann Hermann Berens composer
- April 7, 1827 "John Walker, an English chemist, sells the first friction match. He had invented it in the previous year."
- April 7, 1829 "Joseph Smith, Jr., founder of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, commences translation of the Book of Mormon, with Oliver Cowdery as his scribe."
- April 7, 1831 "Dom Pedro abdicates to son, Dom Pedro II crowned emperor of Brazil"
- April 7, 1833 "Death - Antoni Henryk Radziwill Lithuanian/Polish composer, dies at 57"
- April 7, 1841 Birthday - Alfred Cogniaux Belgian botanicus
- April 7, 1841 "Birthday - Joseph H ""Jozef"" Neuhuys painter"
- April 7, 1842 "Death - Henrik A Bjerregaard Norwegian writer/poet (Fjeldeventyret), dies at 50"
- April 7, 1847 Birthday - J P Jacobsen writer
- April 7, 1850 "Death - William Lisle Bowles English poet (14 Sonnets), dies at 87"
- April 7, 1851 Birthday - Otto Adolf Klauwell composer
- April 7, 1856 "Foundation of Nelson College, Nelson, New Zealand."
- April 7, 1858 Birthday - Adrien H Gerhard Dutch socialist politician (SDAP)
- April 7, 1858 "Death - Anton Diabelli Austria publisher/composer, dies at 76"
- April 7, 1859 "Birthday - Walter Camp Connecticut, father of American football (Yale)"
- April 7, 1860 Birthday - W K Kellogg a real corn flake
- April 7, 1862 "Death - Sydney Nelson composer, dies at 62"
- April 7, 1862 "Grant defeats Confederates at Battle of Shiloh, Tenn"
- April 7, 1862 H P Tuttle discovers asteroid #73 Klytia
- April 7, 1862 "Island #10 falls after long siege, Battle of Shiloh"
- April 7, 1864 "The first camel race in America was held in Sacramento, California."
- April 7, 1867 Johnson C. Smith University is established.
- April 7, 1868 "Thomas D'Arcy McGee, one of the Canadian Fathers Of Confederation is assassinated by the Irish, in one of the few Canadian political assassinations, the only one at the federal level."
- April 7, 1869 "Birthday - David Grandison Fairchild US, botanist/explorer, brought plants to US"
- April 7, 1870 Birthday - Gustav Landauer German socialist
- April 7, 1870 Birthday - Joseph Ryeland Belgian composer/Baron
- April 7, 1871 "Death - Alexander grandson of English queen Victoria, dies at 1 day old"
- April 7, 1871 "Death - Wilhelm Freiherr von Tegetthoff Austrian Admiral (Helgoland/Lissa), dies at 43"
- April 7, 1872 Birthday - William Monroe Trotter famous African
- April 7, 1875 "Death - Georg Herwegh writer, dies at 57"
- April 7, 1877 "Death - Errico Petrella composer, dies at 63"
- April 7, 1878 Birthday - C M M Hathorn cricketer (South African Test centurion in 1905-06)
- April 7, 1878 Birthday - Jozef C Bittremieux Flemish theologist (Virgin & Mother of God)
- April 7, 1880 "Death - Diederich Krug composer, dies at 58"
- April 7, 1880 V Knorre discovers asteroid #215 Oenone
- April 7, 1881 "Death - Pierre Napoleon Bonaparte Corsican MP, dies at 65"
- April 7, 1882 "Birthday - Bert ""Dainty"" Ironmonger cricketer (belated Australian representative 1928-33)"
- April 7, 1882 Birthday - Kurt von Schleiger German chancellor (12/2/32-1/28/33)
- April 7, 1884 Birthday - Charles Dodd English new testament authority
- April 7, 1884 Birthday - Louis H N Bosch van Rosenthal Dutch politician/resistance fighter
- April 7, 1884 "Death - Maria van Ackere-Doolaeghe Flemish poet (Avondlamp), dies at 80"
- April 7, 1889 "Birthday - Gabriela Mistral Chilean poet (Desolacin, Tenderness)/Nobel 1945"
- April 7, 1890 Birthday - Marjory Stoneman Douglas environmentalist (1st Lady of Everglades)
- April 7, 1890 Completion of the first Lake Biwa Canal.
- April 7, 1891 "Death - P[hineas] T Barnum US circus promoter (Barnum & Bailey), dies at 80"
- April 7, 1891 Nebraska introduces the 8 hour work day
- April 7, 1891 "PT Barnum circus showman (Barnum & Bailey), dies at 80"
- April 7, 1893 Birthday - Allan W Dulles US diplomat/CIA head 1953-61 (Germany's Underground)
- April 7, 1893 Birthday - Irene Castle dancer (leader in anti-vivisection movement)
- April 7, 1894 Birthday - Gerald Brenan English writer
- April 7, 1895 Birthday - Eduardo Toldra composer
- April 7, 1895 Birthday - Lewis B Combs naval commander/civil engineer
- April 7, 1896 Birthday - Benny Leonard lightweight boxing champion (1917-25)
- April 7, 1897 Birthday - Harald Sigurd Johan Saeverud composer
- April 7, 1897 "Birthday - Walter Winchell Harlem New York NY, newscaster/columnist (Untouchables)"
- April 7, 1899 Birthday - Robert Marcel Casadesus French pianist/composer (Prix Dimer)
- April 7, 1900 "Birthday - Tebbs Lloyd Johnson England, 50K walker (Olympics-bronze-1952)"
- April 7, 1903 Birthday - Willi Forst Austrian actor/director (Im weissen Rssl)
- April 7, 1906 Mount Vesuvius erupts and devastates Naples.
- April 7, 1906 The Algeciras Conference gives France and Spain control over Morocco.
- April 7, 1908 Birthday - Le Duan Vietnamese politician
- April 7, 1908 Birthday - Percy Faith conductor (Summer Place)
- April 7, 1908 "H. H. Asquith of the Liberal Party takes office as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, from Sir Henry Campbell-Bannerman"
- April 7, 1912 Birthday - John Adrian Hope politician/businessman
- April 7, 1912 Birthday - Valre Depauw Flemish writer
- April 7, 1914 Birthday - Sydney Thompson rock climber
- April 7, 1915 "Birthday - Billie Holiday [Eleanora Fagan] Philadelphia PA, singer (Ain't Nobody's Business)"
- April 7, 1915 "Birthday - Henry Kuttner US, sci-fi author (Dark World, As You Were, Startling Worlds of Henry Kuttner)"
- April 7, 1917 "Birthday - R G Armstrong Birmingham AL, actor (T.H.E. Cat)"
- April 7, 1917 "Death - Spyridon Filiskos Samaras composer, dies at 53"
- April 7, 1918 Birthday - C B Bertie Clarke cricketer (Barbados & West Indian leg-spinner)
- April 7, 1918 "Birthday - Peanuts Hucko Syracuse NY, dixieland clarinetist (Lawrence Welk Show)"
- April 7, 1918 Birthday - Peter Aryans [PCJ Vander] Dutch radio actor (Shoot Out)
- April 7, 1918 "Birthday - Ronald Howard Norwood England, actor (Naked Edge, Africa-Texas Style)"
- April 7, 1919 "Birthday - Edoardo Mangiarotti Italy, pe (Olympics-gold-1952)"
- April 7, 1919 "Birthday - Ralph Flanagan Loraine OH, orchestra leader (Let's Dance)"
- April 7, 1920 "Birthday - Ravi Shankar Benares India, sitar player (Sounds of India)"
- April 7, 1920 Birthday - Terence Edward Armstrong polar geographer
- April 7, 1922 Birthday - Kenneth Howard Peacock composer
- April 7, 1922 "Naval Reserve #3, ""Teapot Dome,"" leased to Harry F Sinclair"
- April 7, 1922 Teapot Dome scandal: United States Secretary of the Interior leases Teapot Dome petroleum reserves in Wyoming.
- April 7, 1924 Birthday - Harry Cordon comic/host (Fred Hach Show)
- April 7, 1924 Birthday - Ikuma Dan composer
- April 7, 1924 "Birthday - Nick Perito Denver CO, orchestra leader (Don Knotts Show, Big Show)"
- April 7, 1926 Birthday - Johannes Rood Dutch immunologist (Eurotransplant)
- April 7, 1926 Forest fire burns 900 acres & kills 2 (San Luis Obispo Calif)
- April 7, 1927 "First distance public television broadcast (from Washington, DC to New York City, displaying the image of Commerce Secretary Herbert Hoover)."
- April 7, 1927 Using phone lines TV is sent from Wash DC to NYC
- April 7, 1928 "44-yr old NY Ranger GM Lester Patrick replaces his injured goaltender in a Stanley Cup game, & beats Montreal Maroons 2-1"
- April 7, 1928 A 45-year-old retired goalie by the name of Lester Patrick stepped in to save a game and the Rangers went on to beat Montreal and win the Stanley Cup in the final game of the series.
- April 7, 1928 "Birthday - Alan J Pakula director (All the President's Men, Klute)"
- April 7, 1928 "Birthday - James [Scott Bumgarner] Garner Norman OK, actor (Rockford Files, Bret Maverick)"
- April 7, 1928 "Birthday - James White UK, sci-fi author (Star Surgeon, Star Healer)"
- April 7, 1930 Birthday - Andrew Sachs actor (Manuel-Fawlty Towers)
- April 7, 1931 Birthday - Daniel Ellsberg whistleblower (Pentagon Papers)/patriot
- April 7, 1931 "Birthday - Donald Barthelme Philadelphia PA, writer (Snow White, Sadness)"
- April 7, 1932 "Birthday - Louis ""Mr Bo"" Collins Indianola MS, blues singer (If Trouble Was Money)"
- April 7, 1932 "Death - Erv A Kelley US policeman, shot to death by Pretty Boy Floyd"
- April 7, 1933 "Birthday - Wayne Rogers Birmingham AL, actor (MASH, House Calls, Chiefs)"
- April 7, 1933 "Death - Jan Erik/Eric Jan Hanussen Berlin astrologist/illusionist, murdered"
- April 7, 1933 "Prohibition was repealed for beer of no more than 3.2% alcohol by weight, eight months before the ratification of XXI amendment."
- April 7, 1933 "University Bridge, Seattle opens for traffic"
- April 7, 1934 "Birthday - Ian Richards Edinburgh Scotland, actor (Montgomery-Ike)"
- April 7, 1934 "Death - William Monroe Trotter civil rights activist/journalist, dies on 62nd birthday in Boston"
- April 7, 1934 William Monroe Trotter dies at 62 in Boston
- April 7, 1935 "Birthday - Bobby Bare Irontown OH, country singer (Detroit City)"
- April 7, 1935 Birthday - Hodding Carter III press secretary (Jimmy Carter)
- April 7, 1935 Birthday - Yvonne Fedderson co-founder (Childhelp USA)
- April 7, 1937 "Birthday - [Big] Charlie Thomas New York NY, jazz/rock singer (Drifters)"
- April 7, 1938 "Birthday - [Edmund G] Jerry Brown Jr San Francisco CA, (Governor-Democrat-CA, 1975-83)"
- April 7, 1938 "Birthday - Freddie Hubbard Indianapolis IN, jazz trumpeter (Art Blakey)"
- April 7, 1938 "Birthday - Yvonne Lime Glendale CA, actress (Father Knows Best, Dobie Gillis)"
- April 7, 1939 "Birthday - David Frost Tenderdon England, TV host (That Was the Week That Was)"
- April 7, 1939 "Birthday - Donald L Holmquest Dallas TX, astronaut"
- April 7, 1939 "Birthday - Francis Ford Coppola Detroit MI, film maker (Godfather, Apocalypse Now, American Graffiti)"
- April 7, 1939 Italy annexes Albania
- April 7, 1939 World War II: Italy invades Albania.
- April 7, 1940 Birthday - Jan Wilhelm Morthenson composer
- April 7, 1940 Birthday - Patricia Paay Dutch singer (You are not hip)
- April 7, 1940 Booker T. Washington became the first black to be pictured on a U.S. postage stamp.
- April 7, 1941 "Canadian merchant ship S.S. Portadoc, (Great Lakes freighter) was torpedoed by the U-124 off Freetown south Africa"
- April 7, 1942 Birthday - Edda Barends actress (Arthur & Eva)
- April 7, 1943 Birthday - Dennis Amiss cricketer (prolific English batsman)
- April 7, 1943 "Birthday - Mick Abrahams Luton Bedfordshire England, rock guitarist (Jethro Tull-This Was)"
- April 7, 1943 "Birthday - Roberta Shore [Schourup] Monterey Park CA, actress/singer (Virginian)"
- April 7, 1943 "Birthday - Spencer Dryden New York NY, rock drummer (Jefferson Airplane-Go Ask Alice)"
- April 7, 1943 "Death - Jovan Ducic Serbian poet (Blue Legends), dies at 72"
- April 7, 1943 "Holocaust: In Terebovlia, Ukraine, Germans order 1,100 Jews to undress to their underwear and march through the city of Terebovlia to the nearby village of Plebanivka. They were then shot dead and buried in ditches."
- April 7, 1945 Kantaro Suzuki becomes the 42nd Prime Minister of Japan.
- April 7, 1945 "World War II: The Japanese battleship Yamato, the largest battleship ever constructed, is sunk 200 miles north of Okinawa while en-route on a suicide mission in Operation Ten-Go."
- April 7, 1945 "World War II: Visoko was liberated by the 7th, 9th and 17th Krajina brigades from the Tenth division of Yugoslav Partisan forces."
- April 7, 1946 Birthday - Barbara Benary composer
- April 7, 1946 "Birthday - Bill Kreutzmann Palo Alto CA, drummer (Grateful Dead, Grass Roots)"
- April 7, 1946 Part of East Prussia incorporated into Russian SFSR
- April 7, 1946 Syria's independence from France is officially recognised.
- April 7, 1947 Birthday - Patricia Bennett US singer (He's So Fine)
- April 7, 1948 "Buddhist monastery burns in Shanghai, China, leaving twenty monks dead."
- April 7, 1948 The World Health Organization is established by the United Nations.
- April 7, 1948 World Health Organization established by UN
- April 7, 1949 """South Pacific"" opens at Majestic Theater (for 1925 performances)"
- April 7, 1949 Birthday - John Oates guitarist/vocalist (Hall & Oates-Rich Girl)
- April 7, 1949 "The Richard Rodgers, Oscar Hammerstein musical classic of love and war," South Pacific", unfolded on a lush tropical island swarming with Seabees, nurses, natives and coconut trees on this night in 1949."
- April 7, 1950 Death - Walter Huston dies at 66
- April 7, 1951 Ben Hogan wins Masters golf tournament
- April 7, 1951 "Birthday - Janis Ian [Janis Eddy Fink] New York NY, folk singer (Society's Child, At 17)"
- April 7, 1951 "Birthday - John Dittrich Union NJ, country singer (Restless Heart-Wheels)"
- April 7, 1952 "Birthday - Bruce Gary Burbank CA, rock drummer (Knack-My Sharona)"
- April 7, 1952 Birthday - Jane Frederick US pentathlete (Olympics-7th-1976)
- April 7, 1953 "Birthday - Everard Endt US, yachting (Olympics-gold-1952)"
- April 7, 1953 Dag Hammarskj”ld of Sweden elected 2nd UN general-secretary
- April 7, 1953 J A Bruwer discovers asteroid #1660 Wood
- April 7, 1953 The first west-to-east jet transatlantic nonstop flight
- April 7, 1954 Birthday - Donna White LPGA golfer
- April 7, 1954 Birthday - Jackie Chan martial art actor (Rumble in the Bronx)
- April 7, 1954 "Birthday - Tony Dorsett NFL running back (Dallas Cowboys, Heisman Trophy)"
- April 7, 1954 "U.S. President Dwight D. Eisenhower gives his ""domino theory"" speech during a news conference."
- April 7, 1955 "Anthony Eden of the Conservative Party, becomes Prime Minister of the United Kingdom."
- April 7, 1955 Birthday - Andrea Fisher artist
- April 7, 1955 "Death - Theda Bara actress (Camille, Cleopatra, 2 Orphans), dies at 62"
- April 7, 1956 "Arthur Hailey had a script accepted and presented just 20 days after it was submitted to the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation. The drama, " Flight into Danger" had an unprecedented audience response. A number of years later, Arthur Hailey also wrote the best-selling novel, " Airport "" which was then adapted for the popular movie by the same title."
- April 7, 1956 Birthday - Gail Lee Hirata LPGA golfer
- April 7, 1956 Spain relinquishes her protectorate in Morocco
- April 7, 1958 "Birthday - Alexandra Neil Boston MA, actress (Rose-Guiding Light)"
- April 7, 1958 Birthday - Tony Ayre rocker (Adventures-Sea of Love)
- April 7, 1958 "Death - Judge Jackson composer, dies at 75"
- April 7, 1958 "Death - Klimenty Arkad'yevich Korchmaryov composer, dies at 58"
- April 7, 1959 "Radar first bounced off sun, Stanford Calif"
- April 7, 1960 Birthday - Simon Climie rock vocalist/keyboardist (Climie Fisher-Love Changes)
- April 7, 1961 "Death - Jesus Guridi composer, dies at 74"
- April 7, 1961 "Death - Marian Jordan radio comedienne (Fibber McGee & Molly), dies at 62"
- April 7, 1961 "Death - Yusef Greiss composer, dies at 61"
- April 7, 1961 "Marian Jordan radio comedienne (Fibber McGee & Molly), dies at 62"
- April 7, 1962 "Birthday - Andy Hampsten Columbus OH, cyclist (Olympics-96)"
- April 7, 1962 "Birthday - Bonny Warner Mount Baldy CA, lugist"
- April 7, 1962 Birthday - Hugh Edward Ralph O'Connor actor (In the Heat of the Night)
- April 7, 1963 Jack Nicklaus became the youngest golfer to win the Green Jacket at the Masters Tournament.
- April 7, 1963 Yugoslavia is proclaimed to be a Socialist republic and Josip Broz Tito is named President for life.
- April 7, 1964 "Birthday - Helen Wadsworth S Wales, golfer (Curtis Cup 1990)"
- April 7, 1964 "Birthday - Joe Durant Pensacola FL, Nike golfer (1992 Boise Open-7th)"
- April 7, 1964 IBM announces the System/360.
- April 7, 1965 "Birthday - Alexander Mronz Cologne Germany, tennis star"
- April 7, 1965 Birthday - Kaushik Amalean cricketer (two Tests for Sri Lanka 1986-88)
- April 7, 1966 "Birthday - Teri Ann Linn Honolulu HI, actress (Kristen-Bold & Beautiful)"
- April 7, 1966 US recovers lost H-bomb from Mediterranean floor finally
- April 7, 1967 Birthday - Steve Wisniewski NFL guard (Oakland Raiders)
- April 7, 1967 Death - Anne Morrison Chapin dies in West Hollywood
- April 7, 1968 "Birthday - Bill Bellamy actor (Fled, How to be a Player, Joey Breaker)"
- April 7, 1968 "Birthday - Don[ald] Smith North Tonawanda NY, rower (Olympics-5th-1996)"
- April 7, 1968 "Death - Jim Clark of Scotland, former world driving champion, dies in race car at 32"
- April 7, 1968 "Jim Clark of Scotland, former world driving champ, dies in race car"
- April 7, 1969 "Birthday - Clark Sheehan Denver CO, cyclist (Olympics-96)"
- April 7, 1969 "Birthday - Jeremy Lincoln NFL cornerback (Chicago Bears, Seattle Seahawks)"
- April 7, 1969 "Birthday - Peggy Clasen St Paul MN, speed skater (Olympics-1994)"
- April 7, 1969 "Birthday - Ricky Bones Salinas Puerto Rico, pitcher (Milwaukee Brewers, New York Yankees)"
- April 7, 1969 Birthday - Ricky Watters NFL running back (Philadelphia Eagles)
- April 7, 1969 The Internet's symbolic birth date: publication of RFC 1.
- April 7, 1970 "Birthday - Alexander Karpovtsev Moscow Russia, NHL defenseman (New York Rangers)"
- April 7, 1970 Birthday - Kevin Smith NFL cornerback (Dallas Cowboys)
- April 7, 1970 "Death - Josina Machel wife of Mozambique's 1st President Samora Machel, dies"
- April 7, 1970 "John Wayne, a movie veteran of over 200 films, won his first and only Oscar."
- April 7, 1971 Birthday - Cara Kendra Bernosky Miss Pennsylvania-USA (1997)
- April 7, 1971 "Birthday - Mark Thompson Russellville KY, pitcher (Colorado Rockies)"
- April 7, 1971 Birthday - Stephen Brimacombe Australian 100 meter/200 meter (Olympics-96)
- April 7, 1971 "Birthday - Victor Kraatz Berlin Germany, Canadian ice dancer (1995 World Champions-4th)"
- April 7, 1971 "Death - Charles F Pahud de Mortanges (Olympics-gold-1928, 32), dies at 74"
- April 7, 1971 U.S. President Richard Milhous Nixon announces his decision to increase the rate of American troop withdrawals from Vietnam.
- April 7, 1972 """Crazy"" Joe Gallo mobster, killed at his 43rd birthday party"
- April 7, 1972 Birthday - Greg Clark tight end (San Francisco 49ers)
- April 7, 1972 Birthday - Joanne Brown Australian softball catcher/1st baseman (Olympics-bronze-96)
- April 7, 1972 Birthday - Lovett Purnell wide receiver (New England Patriots)
- April 7, 1972 Birthday - Malcolm Huckaby NBA guard (Miami Heat)
- April 7, 1972 "Birthday - Shana Williams Bridgeton NJ, long jumper/heptathlete"
- April 7, 1972 "Death - ""Crazy"" Joe Gallo mobster, killed at his 43rd birthday party"
- April 7, 1972 "Death - Abeid Karume Tanzanian sheik/President, murdered"
- April 7, 1972 "Death - Victor Wong actor (Mission to Moscow, King Kong) dies at 65"
- April 7, 1973 "Death - Nick Stuart bandleader, dies of cancer at 69"
- April 7, 1973 Number one hit on UK music charts - Gilbert O'Sullivan - Get Down
- April 7, 1973 Vicki Lawrence got her number one single as "The Night the Lights Went Out in Georgia" made it to the top of the pop charts.
- April 7, 1974 Birthday - Anita Maxwell WNBA forward (Cleveland Rockers)
- April 7, 1975 Birthday - Beverly Peele super model (Elle)
- April 7, 1975 Birthday - Ronde Barber cornerback (Tampa Bay Buccaneers)
- April 7, 1975 Birthday - Tiki Barber running back (New York Giants)
- April 7, 1975 "Birthday - Victoria Adams ""Posh Spice"", Hertfordshire, vocalist (Spice Girls)"
- April 7, 1976 "Birthday - Erich Goldmann Dingolfing Germany, hockey defenseman (Team Germany 1998)"
- April 7, 1976 "Death - Mary Margaret McBride TV hostess (Mary Margaret McBride), dies at 76"
- April 7, 1976 "Former British Cabinet Minister John Stonehouse resigns from the Labour Party, leaving Prime Minister James Callaghan in power."
- April 7, 1976 "Mary Margaret McBride TV hostess (Mary Margaret McBride), dies at 76"
- April 7, 1977 "Death - Siegfried Buback German Federal Republic procureur-General, murdered Attorney-General"
- April 7, 1977 German Federal Prosecutor Siegfried Buback and his driver are shot by two Red Army Faction members while waiting at a red light.
- April 7, 1978 "Birthday - Siobhan Drake-Brockman Bunbury Australia, tennis star (1994 Port Pirie)"
- April 7, 1978 "Death - Ernest Kanitz composer, dies at 83"
- April 7, 1978 Development of the neutron bomb is canceled by U.S. President Jimmy Carter.
- April 7, 1978 Pres Carter defers production of the neutron bomb
- April 7, 1979 "Death - Bruno Apitz writer, dies at 78"
- April 7, 1979 "Henri La Mothe dives 28' into 12 3/8"" of water"
- April 7, 1980 Jimmy Carter breaks relations with Iran during hostage crisis
- April 7, 1980 "The United States severs diplomatic relations with Iran and imposes economic sanctions following the taking of American hostages on November 4, 1979."
- April 7, 1981 Willem Klein mentally extracts 13th root of a 100-digit # in 29 sec
- April 7, 1982 "Brenda Benet actress, commits suicide by gun at 36"
- April 7, 1982 "Death - Brenda Benet actress (Track of Thunder), commits suicide by gun at 36"
- April 7, 1983 "Death - Gavin Gordon television actor (Romance, Lone Cowboy), dies at 82"
- April 7, 1983 "During STS-6, astronauts Story Musgrave and Don Peterson perform the first space shuttle spacewalk."
- April 7, 1983 "Gavin Gordon television actor, dies at 82"
- April 7, 1983 STS-6 specialist Story Musgrave & Don Peterson first STS spacewalk
- April 7, 1984 "Death - Frank Church (Senator-Democrat-OH, 1957-81), dies at 59"
- April 7, 1984 "Death - Samuel G Engel screenwriter/poet, dies of heart failure at 79"
- April 7, 1984 "Samuel C Engel screenwriter, dies of heart failure at 79"
- April 7, 1987 "Al Campanis, Dodger executive for more than 40 years, resigns, after making racial remarks on ""Nightline"""
- April 7, 1987 "Death - Maxine Sullivan [Williams] American actress (Going Places), dies at 75"
- April 7, 1988 "Death - Cesar Bresgen Austrian composer/organist, dies at 74"
- April 7, 1989 "Death - Tikhon Toropets patriarch of Russian Orthodox/saint, dies at 123(?)"
- April 7, 1989 NY Supreme Court takes America's Cup away from SD Yacht Club for using a catamaran against NZ. Appeals court eventually overrules
- April 7, 1989 Soviet submarine Komsomolets sinks in the Barents Sea off the coast of Norway killing 42 sailors.
- April 7, 1990 30 die when a ferry flips over in Burma
- April 7, 1990 Farm Aid IV concert
- April 7, 1990 "Fire kills 110 on a ferry in Norway,"
- April 7, 1990 Iran Contra Affair: John Poindexter is found guilty of five charges for his part in the scandal (the conviction was reversed on appeal).
- April 7, 1990 John Poindexter (Natl Sec Advisor) found guilty on Iran-Contra scandal
- April 7, 1990 Michael Milken pleads innocent to security law violations
- April 7, 1992 "Death - Alix Talton former Miss Georgia, dies of lung cancer at 72"
- April 7, 1992 "Death - Clovis Ruffin fashion designer (T shirt dress), dies of AIDS at 46"
- April 7, 1992 Death - Rick Emery dies after long illness at 39
- April 7, 1992 Republika Srpska announces its independence.
- April 7, 1993 "Death - Max Croiset Dutch actor/dramatist/director (Zeekant), dies at 80"
- April 7, 1993 Death - Richard Schmiechen dies of AIDS at 45
- April 7, 1993 "Death - S C (Billy) Griffith cricketer (England 1948-49, MCC secretary), dies"
- April 7, 1994 "Death - Agathe Uwilingiyimana PM of Rwanda, assassinated"
- April 7, 1994 "Death - Angelus Gottfried ""Golo"" Mann German/US historian, dies at 85"
- April 7, 1994 "Death - Arthur Gordon Clough journalist, dies at 59"
- April 7, 1994 "Death - Evert Hartman Dutch writer (War Without Friends), dies at 56"
- April 7, 1994 "Death - Franois de Grossouvre President Mitterrand advisor, suicide at 76"
- April 7, 1994 "Death - Kurt Cobain grunge rocker (Nirvana), commits suicide by gun at 27"
- April 7, 1994 "Death - Lee Brilleaux British R&B-singer/guitarist (Stupidity), dies at 41"
- April 7, 1994 "Massacres of Tutsis begin in Kigali, Rwanda."
- April 7, 1995 "Death - Philip Vincent Belloc Jebb architect, dies at 68"
- April 7, 1996 "Death - Ian Spurling ballet designer, dies at 59"
- April 7, 1999 The World Trade Organisation (WTO) rules in favor of the United States in its long-running trade dispute with the European Union over bananas.
- April 7, 2001 Mars Odyssey is launched.
- April 7, 2003 U.S. troops capture Baghdad; Saddam Hussein's regime falls two days later.