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    What happened on April 23

    • April 23, 0215 BC - A temple is built on the Capitoline Hill dedicated to Venus Erycina to commemorate the Roman defeat at Lake Trasimene.

    • April 23, 1014 "Battle of Clontarf: Brian Boru defeats Viking invaders, but is killed in battle."

    • April 23, 1014 "The Battle of Clontarf ends Danish rule in Ireland, but a Dane kills the Irish king Brian Boru, 87
    • "

    • April 23, 1343 St. George's Night Uprising

    • April 23, 1348 First English order of knighthood founded (Order of the Garter)

    • April 23, 1348 The founding of the Order of the Garter by King Edward III of England is announced on St George's Day.

    • April 23, 1521 Battle of Villalar: King Charles I of Spain defeats the Comuneros.

    • April 23, 1597 "Shakespeare's The Merry Wives of Windsor is first performed, with Queen Elizabeth I of England in attendance."

    • April 23, 1616 "Funeral of Miguel de Cervantes, who died on April 22"

    • April 23, 1635 "First public school in the United States, Boston Latin School, is founded in Boston, Massachusetts."

    • April 23, 1660 Treaty of Oliwa is established between Sweden and Poland.

    • April 23, 1661 "King Charles II of England, Scotland and Ireland is crowned in Westminster Abbey."

    • April 23, 1789 "President George Washington moves into Franklin House, NY"

    • April 23, 1827 William Rowan Hamilton presents his Theory of systems of rays.

    • April 23, 1851 Civil engineer Sandford Fleming 1827-1915 designs the red Three-Pence Beaver stamp issued this day; the Province of Canada's first regular postage stamp

    • April 23, 1861 Arkansas troops seize Fort Smith

    • April 23, 1867 "William Lincoln patents the zoetrope, a machine which government of Sultan Mehmed VI and announces a temporary constitution. The Grand National Assembly of Turkey was founded in Ankara."

    • April 23, 1871 Blossom Rock in SF Bay blown up

    • April 23, 1881 "The opera ""Patience or Bunthorne's Bride"" is produced (London)"

    • April 23, 1896 "Premier of motion pictures (Koster & Bial's Music Hall, NYC)"

    • April 23, 1896 Vitascope system of movie projection first demonstrated (NYC)

    • April 23, 1904 American Academy of Arts & Letters forms

    • April 23, 1906 "The Alberta Legislature sets the provincial speed limit at 10 mph in the city and 20 mph in the country. , Now it's 100 in the city and 200 in the country it seems"

    • April 23, 1915 ACA becomes National Advisory Council on Aeronautics (NACA)

    • April 23, 1915 Lance-Cpl. Fredrick Fisher (Cdn. 13th Cdn. Infantry Batt.) wins the Victoria Cross at St.Julien Belgium

    • April 23, 1918 USS Stewart destroys German submarine off France

    • April 23, 1920 "Turkish Grand National Assembly first meets, in Ankara"

    • April 23, 1923 Inauguration ceremonies take place of Gdynia as a temporary military port and fishers' shelter.

    • April 23, 1932 "The 153-year old De Adriaan Windmill in Haarlem, the Netherlands burns down."

    • April 23, 1933 The Gestapo is established in Germany

    • April 23, 1934 In first Navy movement through Panama Canal over 100 ships transitted

    • April 23, 1935 Polish Constitution of 1935 is adopted.

    • April 23, 1940 Dance hall fires kills 198 (Natchez Miss)

    • April 23, 1940 "Rhythm Night Club fire at a dance hall in Natchez, Mississippi kills 198 people."

    • April 23, 1941 World War II: Greek government and King George II evacuate Athens before the attacking Wehrmacht.

    • April 23, 1942 "World War II: Baedeker Blitz German bombers hit Exeter, Bath and York in retaliation for the British raid on Lbeck."

    • April 23, 1945 "In only U.S. use of guided missiles in WW II, 2 BAT missiles release at Balikiapan, Borneo"

    • April 23, 1947 "HMS Warspite, to many this was the Royal Navy's most famous battleship. Her survival from her launch on 26th November 1913 to her loss on this date en-route to the breakers has to be at the very least a tribute to her builders for constructing a virtually indestructable ship. She formed part of the 5th Battle Squadron during the First World War. During the Second World War 1939-1946 she took part in the 2nd Battle of Narvik, and the Battle of Calabria in 1940, the battle of Matapan in 1941. This was followed by the bombardment of Normandy where she was damaged by a mine. Previously, in 1943 she was badly damaged by a glider bomb off Salerno. And all this in addition to countless other operations throughout the War. In 1946 she was sold for breaking up on the Clyde but en-route the tow parted and she went ashore in Prussia Cove, Cornwall. She was eventually broken up where she lay."

    • April 23, 1948 "1948 Arab-Israeli War: Haifa, the major port of Israel, is captured from Palestinian forces."

    • April 23, 1949 Courtesy mail boxes for motorists started in SF

    • April 23, 1950 "The first major league day game completed under lights (Phils 6, Braves 5)"

    • April 23, 1951 "Battle of Kapyong, Korea starts"

    • April 23, 1955 The Canadian Labour Congress is formed by the merger of the Trades and Labour Congress of Canada and the Canadian Congress of Labour.

    • April 23, 1956 "Project Vanguard, earth satellite launching program, assigned to DCNO (Air)"

    • April 23, 1961 Algiers putsch by French generals.

    • April 23, 1962 "Ranger 4, first US satellite to reach Moon launched from Cape Canaveral"

    • April 23, 1964 Number one hit on UK music charts - Peter & Gordon - A World Without Love

    • April 23, 1965 Launch of first Soviet communications satellite

    • April 23, 1967 A group of young radicals are expelled from the Nicaraguan Socialist Party (PSN). This group goes on to found the Socialist Workers Party (POS).

    • April 23, 1967 Soyuz 1 launched; Vladimir Komarov becomes first in-flight casualty

    • April 23, 1968 "The United Kingdom produces its first decimalised coins, a 5p and a 10p coin."

    • April 23, 1968 United Methodist Church forms

    • April 23, 1968 Vietnam War: Student protesters at Columbia University in New York City take over administration buildings and shut down the university. see main article Columbia University protests of 1968

    • April 23, 1969 Number one hit on UK music charts - The Beatles - Get Back

    • April 23, 1969 Over 1000ý mi flooded in Shantung Province China

    • April 23, 1969 Sirhan Sirhan sentenced to death for killing Bobby Kennedy

    • April 23, 1971 "Columbia University operations virtually end, by student strike"

    • April 23, 1971 Soyuz 10 launched; cosmonauts become first in Salyut 1 space station

    • April 23, 1972 Apollo 16 astronauts explores Moon surface

    • April 23, 1974 "A Pan American World Airways Boeing 707 crashes in Bali, Indonesia, killing 107."

    • April 23, 1977 Czech chess master Vlastimil Hort plays 201 games simultaneously and only loses 10

    • April 23, 1977 "Dr Allen Bussey completes 20,302 yo-yo loops"

    • April 23, 1979 Fighting in London between the Anti-Nazi League and the Metropolitan Police's Special Patrol Group results in the death of protester Blair Peach.

    • April 23, 1980 "Soviet sub catches fire off Japan, 9 die"

    • April 23, 1982 Conch Republic established.

    • April 23, 1982 The ZX Spectrum is released.

    • April 23, 1984 "In Lancaster County, Pennsylvania a 4.2 quake was centered near Marticville. It caused minor damage at Conestoga"

    • April 23, 1985 C Shoemaker & E Shoemake discovers asteroid #3581 Alvarez

    • April 23, 1985 "Coca-Cola changes its formula and releases New Coke. (The response is overwhelmingly negative, and the original formula is back on the market in less than 3 months.)"

    • April 23, 1985 New Coke debuts later to vanish

    • April 23, 1985 P Jensen discovers asteroid #3318 Blixen

    • April 23, 1987 "28 construction workers died when the L'Ambiance Plaza collapses while under construction in Bridgeport, Connecticut."

    • April 23, 1988 "Pink Floyd's album Dark Side of the Moon, after spending the record total of 741 consecutive weeks (over 14 years) on the Billboard 200, left the charts for its first time ever."

    • April 23, 1989 Kareem Abdul-Jabbar plays his last game as a Laker

    • April 23, 1989 Students in Beijing China announce class boycotts

    • April 23, 1990 Namibia becomes the 160th member of the United Nations and the 50th member of the Commonwealth of Nations.

    • April 23, 1992 """Shirnada"" opens at Broadhurst theater on Broadway"

    • April 23, 1993 Eritreans vote overwhelmingly for independence from Ethiopia in a United Nations-monitored referendum.

    • April 23, 1997 Omaria massacre in Algeria; 42 villagers killed.

    • April 23, 2003 Beijing closes all schools for two weeks due to the SARS virus.

What happened on April 23 - What happened on my birthday. Today in History. Dates In history

Visitors' Postings

    • April 23, 1850 Visitor posting - William Wordsworth died aged 80 - United Kingdom

    • April 23, 1949 Visitor posting - Today (Apr 23 2010) my mother would have been 61 years old - South Africa

    • April 23, 1970 "Visitor posting - Paula Anne Stevens nee Charles born , daughter of Whyvoe and Mervyn Charles, United Kingdon - Antigua and Barbuda"

    • April 23, 1974 Visitor posting - Eric Turner born this day in history - USA

    • April 23, 1980 Visitor posting - Trisha Ann Hunt Queen PITA was born on this day. - USA

    • April 23, 1994 Visitor posting - Randee May was born. My cat's name is Silver - USA

    • April 23, 1995 Visitor posting - Holly Chappers was born! :) - United Kingdom

    • April 23, 1995 "Visitor posting - Linda Sophia Ovante\' was born at 4:23 am in Phoenix, Arizona. She was a beautiful baby, lokking like her father with beautiful brown eyes and a smile that lights up the world! Linda is kind and smart and spunky and trustworthy and she make this world a better place! - USA"

    • April 23, 1996 Visitor posting - Born in Sydney. My pet is a dog named Gemma - Australia

    • April 23, 1998 Visitor posting - Isabelle Rose was born into the Brewer clan - USA

    • April 23, 1998 Visitor posting - Jenna Mae was born - USA

    • April 23, 2000 Visitor posting - Today is Easter and my little Jessica Lynn Miller was born!!! - USA

    • April 23, 2001 Visitor posting - Collin Jones was born today - USA

    • April 23, 2007 "Visitor posting - The Crofton Lions Club in Hampshire established an annual ""Festival of St.George"" - United Kingdom [email protected]"

    • April 23, 2008 Visitor posting - Chris Lake's grandma passes away - USA

    • April 23, 2010 Visitor posting - Steve Barnes was born this day at Ft. Carson in Colorado Springs - USA

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