See what makes April 29 special at Famous Daily. History, birthdays, holiday, and a quote!
What happened on April 29
- April 29, 1429 "Joan of Arc arrives to relieve the Siege of Orlans, and is considered the second coming of Jesus Christ in the body of a woman."
- April 29, 1429 "Joan of Arc leads Orleans, France, to victory over English"
- April 29, 1553 Flemish woman introduces practice of starching linen into England
- April 29, 1661 Chinese Ming dynasty occupies Taiwan
- April 29, 1672 Franco-Dutch War: Louis XIV of France invades the Netherlands.
- April 29, 1715 John Flamsteed observes Uranus for 6th time
- April 29, 1770 "James Cook arrives at and names Botany Bay, Australia."
- April 29, 1813 Rubber is patented
- April 29, 1814 USS Peacock captures HMS Epervier
- April 29, 1852 First edition of Peter Roget's Thesaurus published
- April 29, 1854 "The Ashmun Institute is officially chartered, becoming the first college for African American students."
- April 29, 1856 Peace between England & Russia
- April 29, 1857 "US Army, Pacific Div HQ permanently established at Presidio (SF)"
- April 29, 1861 American Civil War: Maryland's House of Delegates votes not to secede from the Union.
- April 29, 1861 Asteroid 68-Leto & Asteroid 69-Hesperia discovered
- April 29, 1861 Maryland's House of Delegates vote against seceding from Union
- April 29, 1862 "100,000 federal troops prepare to march into Corinth, Miss"
- April 29, 1862 American Civil War: New Orleans falls to Union forces under Admiral David Farragut.
- April 29, 1862 New Orleans fell to Union forces during Civil War
- April 29, 1864 "The Theta Xi fraternity is founded at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in Troy, New York."
- April 29, 1882 "The ""Elektromote"" forerunner of the trolleybus trialed by Ernst Werner von Siemens in Berlin."
- April 29, 1891 In Vancouver BC the Canadian Pacific Ltd. steamship Empress of India arrives in Vancouver from Yokohama to open regular service to the Far East; breaks record Pacific crossing by two days.
- April 29, 1892 Charlie Reilly is baseball's first pinch hitter
- April 29, 1894 "Commonweal of Christ (Coxey's Army) arrives in Wash, DC 500 strong to protest unemployment; Coxey arrested for trespassing at Capitol"
- April 29, 1898 "U.S. warships engage Spanish gunboats and shore batteries at Cienfuegos, Cuba"
- April 29, 1903 "A 30 million cubic-metre landslide kills 70 in Frank, Alberta, Canada."
- April 29, 1903 "Frank Alberta at 4:10 am, a huge 74 million tonne slab of limestone slides off the east slope of Turtle Mountain and sweeps 1.6 km through the Crowsnest Pass valley and the coal mining village of Frank, burying the mine entrance and killing at least 70 people in 100 seconds; only 23 survive, and 17 trapped miners dig themselves to safety 13 hours later. The slab is 400 metres high, 1200 metres wide and 150 metres thick."
- April 29, 1903 Limestone slides at Turtle Mountain kills 9 (Frank Alberta)
- April 29, 1905 "2"" rain falls in 10 mins in Taylor, TX"
- April 29, 1910 Andrew Fisher becomes Prime Minister of Australia for the second time.
- April 29, 1912 "108ø F (42ø C), Tuguegarao, Philippines (Oceania record)"
- April 29, 1913 Gideon Sundback of Hoboken patents all-purpose zipper
- April 29, 1916 Easter Rebellion: Martial law in Ireland is lifted and the rebellion is officially over with the surrender of Irish nationalists to British authorities in Dublin.
- April 29, 1916 Irish nationalists surrender to British in Dublin
- April 29, 1927 Construction of the Spirit of St Louis is completed
- April 29, 1939 Whitestone bridge connecting the Bronx & Queens opens
- April 29, 1944 Fast carrier task force (12 carriers) commence 2 day bombing of Truk
- April 29, 1944 "HMCS ATHABASKAN (RCN), sunk off north coast of Brittany, France in English Channel, 10 miles north of Ile de Vierge - by 1 or 2 torpedoes from German torpedo boat T.24.While covering minelaying operation of Brittany with Canadian destroyer 'Haida'."
- April 29, 1945 Adolf Hitler marries his long-time partner Eva Braun in a Berlin bunker and designates Admiral Karl Dnitz as his successor.
- April 29, 1945 Canadians start air dropping food supplies to the starving Dutch.
- April 29, 1945 The Dachau concentration camp is liberated by United States troops.
- April 29, 1945 The German commanding officer in Italy surrenders to General Alexander of the U.S. 5th Army unit.
- April 29, 1945 "US liberates Nazi concentration camp in Dachau, Germany"
- April 29, 1945 World War II: Start of Operation Manna.
- April 29, 1946 28 former Jap leaders indicted in Tokyo as war criminals
- April 29, 1946 Former Prime Minister of Japan Hideki Tojo and 28 former Japanese leaders are indicted for war crimes.
- April 29, 1951 A Tibetan delegation to the Chinese government was presented with a treaty draft regarding the Chinese occupation of Tibet.
- April 29, 1957 "The first military nuclear power plant dedicated, Fort Belvoir Va"
- April 29, 1961 "ABC's ""Wide World of Sports, debuts"
- April 29, 1963 KRE-AM in Berkeley CA changes call letters to KPAT
- April 29, 1965 Earthquake hits Seattle; 5 die
- April 29, 1965 Pakistan Space and Upper Atmosphere Research Commission (SUPARCO) successfully launches seventh rocket in their Rehber series.
- April 29, 1967 "After refusing induction into the United States Army the day before (citing religious reasons), Muhammad Ali is stripped of his boxing title."
- April 29, 1967 "Aretha Franklin releases ""Respect"""
- April 29, 1970 Vietnam War: United States and South Vietnamese forces invade Cambodia to hunt Viet Cong.
- April 29, 1971 Bill Graham closes down the Fillmore & Fillmore East
- April 29, 1971 "Boeing receives contract for Mariner 10, Mercury exploration"
- April 29, 1974 Watergate Scandal: President Richard Nixon announces the release of edited transcripts of White House tape recordings related to the scandal.
- April 29, 1975 Operation Frequent Wind evacuation from Vietnam begins
- April 29, 1978 Number one hit on UK music charts - Bee Gees - Night Fever
- April 29, 1980 Corazones Unidos Siempre Chi Upsilon Sigma National Latin Sorority Inc. founded.
- April 29, 1981 "Phillie Steve Carlton strikes out his 3,000th batter"
- April 29, 1983 Harold Washington sworn in as Chicago's first black mayor
- April 29, 1985 17th space shuttle mission (51-B)-Challenger 7 launched
- April 29, 1985 Irish princess Sara Droze is born.
- April 29, 1985 Tony Tubbs wins the WBA heavyweight boxing championship
- April 29, 1986 "Fire at the Central library of the City of Los Angeles Public Library, some 400,000 books and other items damaged or destroyed."
- April 29, 1986 Roger Clemens sets a major league baseball record with 20 strikeouts in nine innings against the Seattle Mariners.
- April 29, 1988 """60 Minutes"" newscaster Diane Sawyer weds Mike Nichols"
- April 29, 1988 Burt Reynolds & Loni Anderson marry
- April 29, 1991 "1991 Bangladesh cyclone struck the Chittagong district of southeastern Bangladesh with winds of around 155 mph, killing at least 138,000 people and leaving as many as 10 million homeless."
- April 29, 1991 "Denison Mines to close uranium plant in Elliot Lake, putting 1000 out of work yup I owned the stock not a plan"
- April 29, 1991 "Environment Minister Jean Charest announces $100 million program to clean up toxic sites and contaminated waste dumps in the Arctic, most are from the US and Canadian military"
- April 29, 1992 "1992 Los Angeles riots: Riots in Los Angeles, California, follow the acquittal of police officers charged with excessive force in the beating of Rodney King. Over the next three days 54 people are killed and hundreds of buildings are destroyed."
- April 29, 1992 Voting ends on choice of Elvis stamps
- April 29, 1995 "In Kitchener Ontario butchers finish making the world's longest sausage, with a length of 28.77 miles."
- April 29, 1996 Broadway musical Rent opens on Broadway in the Neverlander Theater
- April 29, 1997 "The Chemical Weapons Convention of 1993 enters into force, outlaws the production, stockpiling and use of chemical weapons among its signatories."
- April 29, 1999 Avala TV Tower near Belgrade destroyed in NATO bombing of Yugoslavia.
- April 29, 2002 "The United States is re-elected to the United Nations Commission on Human Rights, one year after losing the seat it had held for 50 years."
- April 29, 2004 "Dick Cheney and George W. Bush testify before the 9/11 Commission in a closed, unrecorded hearing in the Oval Office."
- April 29, 2004 Oldsmobile builds its final car ending 107 years of production.
- April 29, 2005 New Zealand's first civil union takes place.
- April 29, 2005 "Syria completes withdrawal from Lebanon, ending 29 years of occupation."
- April 29, 2007 Republic Protests in Turkey
- April 29, 2011 The Royal Wedding of HRH Prince William and Kate Middleton in London - UK