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    See what makes August 10 special at Famous Daily.
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    What happened on August 10

    • August 10, 0610 "In Islam, the traditional date of the Laylat al-Qadr, when Muhammed began to receive the Qur'an."

    • August 10, 0612 "BC - Killing of Sinsharishkun, King of Assyrian Empire. Destruction of Nineveh."

    • August 10, 0654 St Eugene I begins his reign as Catholic Pope

    • August 10, 0955 "Battle of Lechfeld: Otto I, Holy Roman Emperor defeats Magyars, ending 50 years of Magyar invasion of the West."

    • August 10, 0955 The Battle of the Lechfeld August 10 ends 50 years of Magyar invasion of the West Otto the Great of Saxony defeats the Magyars with an army recruited from all the duchies

    • August 10, 0991 "Battle of Maldon: English, led by Bryhtnoth, confront a band of inland-raiding Vikings near Maldon in Essex. The English are defeated and the story is immortalised in a well-known poem."

    • August 10, 1316 Second Battle of Athenry

    • August 10, 1519 Ferdinand Magellan's five ships set sail from Seville to circumnavigate the globe.

    • August 10, 1519 Magellan's 5 ship set sail to circumnavigate the Earth

    • August 10, 1557 Battle of St. Quentin Spanish victory over the French in the Habsburg-Valois Wars

    • August 10, 1628 The Swedish warship Vasa sinks in the Stockholm harbour after only about 20 minutes on her maiden voyage.

    • August 10, 1680 Pueblo Indians rebel against Spaniards in Mexico

    • August 10, 1680 Pueblo Revolt begins in New Mexico.

    • August 10, 1743 Earliest recorded prize fighting rules formulated

    • August 10, 1790 "Robert Gray's Columbia, completes first American around world voyage"

    • August 10, 1792 French Revolution: Storming of the Tuileries Palace. Louis XVI of France is arrested and taken into custody.

    • August 10, 1792 Mobs in Paris attack the palace of Louis XVI

    • August 10, 1809 Ecuador declares independence from Spain

    • August 10, 1809 "Quito, now the capital of Ecuador, declares independence from Spain."

    • August 10, 1821 Missouri admitted as 24th US state

    • August 10, 1821 Missouri is admitted as the 24th U.S. state.

    • August 10, 1827 "Race riots in Cincinnati (1,000 blacks leave for Canada)"

    • August 10, 1831 Former slave Nat Turner led violent insurrection against slavery

    • August 10, 1833 Chicago incorporates as a village of about 200

    • August 10, 1835 Mob of whites & oxen pulled black school to a swamp out of Canaan NH

    • August 10, 1840 The 'Star of the East' first known balloon to fly in Canada.

    • August 10, 1846 "Congress charters the ""nation's attic,"" the Smithsonian Institution"

    • August 10, 1846 "The Smithsonian Institution is chartered by the U.S. Congress after $500,000 was given for such a purpose by scientist James Smithson."

    • August 10, 1856 Hurricane washes away 300 in Louisiana

    • August 10, 1856 "In Last Island, Louisiana, the 1856 Last Island Hurricane kills between 200 and 400 people."

    • August 10, 1866 Transatlantic cable laid

    • August 10, 1877 First use of the telephone to dispatch trains. This was at the Caledonia Mine at Glace Bay on the Sydney Mines Railway. One of the owners was Gardiner G. Hubbard who was the father in law of Alexander Graham Bell who installed two telephones to control train movements.

    • August 10, 1883 First train reaches Calgary.

    • August 10, 1884 "In New York City, a 5.5 earthquake caused large cracks in walls at Amityville and Jamaica (intensity VII). The shock was felt strongly at New York City"

    • August 10, 1887 "Excursion train crashes killing 101 in Chatsworth, Illinois"

    • August 10, 1893 "At Augsburg, Rudolf Diesel's prime model runs on its own power for the first time. Because of this, August 10 is the International Biodiesel Day."

    • August 10, 1893 Chinese deported from San Francisco under Exclusion Act

    • August 10, 1901 The U.S. Steel Recognition Strike by the Amalgamated Association of Iron and Steel Workers begins.

    • August 10, 1904 The Battle of the Yellow Sea between the Russian and Japanese battleship fleets.

    • August 10, 1905 Russian and Japanese peace negotiations begin in Portsmouth.

    • August 10, 1907 "Prince Scipone Borchesi wins Peking to Paris, 7,500 mile auto rally"

    • August 10, 1911 Parliament Act reduces power of House of Lords

    • August 10, 1913 "2nd Balkan War ends, Treaty of Bucharest, Bulgaria loses"

    • August 10, 1913 "Second Balkan War ends: Delegates from Bulgaria, Romania, Serbia, Montenegro, and Greece sign the Treaty of Bucharest, ending the war."

    • August 10, 1914 Voluntary recruitment for first Australian Imperial Force (AIF) begins

    • August 10, 1919 Ukranian National Army massacres 25 Jews in Podolia Ukrane

    • August 10, 1920 World War I: Ottoman sultan Mehmed VI's representatives sign the Treaty of Svres which divides up the Ottoman Empire between the Allies.

    • August 10, 1921 FDR stricken with polio at summer home on Canadian Is of Campobello

    • August 10, 1923 "US: Carlo Tresca, Italian-American anarchist, arrested."

    • August 10, 1929 "Canadian National Railways place in service the first road diesel electric passenger locomotive. This consisted of two units, weighing a total of 335 tons."

    • August 10, 1932 "A 5.1-kg (11.2-pound) chondrite-type meteorite breaks into at least seven pieces and lands near the town of Archie in Cass County, Missouri."

    • August 10, 1934 "US: Anarchist conference at Stelton, N.J., August 10-11"

    • August 10, 1938 "Temperatur reaches 119 degrees F in Pendleton, Oregon. - New state record"

    • August 10, 1940 Anti-Jewish laws are passed in Romania.

    • August 10, 1942 "HMS EAGLE sunk north of Algiers, Algeria by 4 torpedoes from German U-73. 260 men lost out a wartime crew of 1,160"

    • August 10, 1944 Race riots in Athens Alabama

    • August 10, 1945 HMCS Uganda returns from the Pacific theater in WWII

    • August 10, 1945 Japan announces willingness to surrender to Allies provided the status of Emperor Hirohito remained unchanged

    • August 10, 1948 ABC enters network TV

    • August 10, 1948 "Allen Funt's ""Candid Camera"" TV debut on ABC"

    • August 10, 1948 Candid Camera makes its television debut after being on radio for a year as Candid Microphone.

    • August 10, 1949 Natl Military Establishment renamed Dept of Defense

    • August 10, 1949 The Avro Canada C.102 Jetliner takes maiden flight; designed to meet a Trans-Canada Airlines requirement; first jet transport to fly in North America and second to fly in the world

    • August 10, 1949 "US President Harry S. Truman signs the National Security Act Amendment, streamlining the defense agencies of the United States government, and replacing the National Military Establishment with the United States Department of Defense."

    • August 10, 1954 "At Massena, New York, the groundbreaking ceremony for the St. Lawrence Seaway is held."

    • August 10, 1958 "August 10, 1958 USS Skate is the first nuclear submarine to cruise under the North Pole. The engineer who designed the nuclear power plant, Alexander Squire, has a son, Philip, born that same day."

    • August 10, 1960 Discoverer 13 launched into orbit; returned first object from space

    • August 10, 1961 England applies for membership in the European Common Market

    • August 10, 1961 Number one hit on UK music charts - Helen Shapiro - You Don't Know

    • August 10, 1966 Daylight meteor seen from Utah to Canada. Only known case of a meteor entering the Earth's atmosphere & leaving it again

    • August 10, 1966 First lunar orbiter launched by US

    • August 10, 1966 "In daylight, a meteor flashes across the sky from Utah to Canada; only known case of a meteor skipping through the Earth's atmosphere and leaving it again."

    • August 10, 1969 "A day after murdering Sharon Tate and four others, members of Charles Manson's cult kill Leno and Rosemary LaBianca."

    • August 10, 1971 "Harmon Killebrew becomes the 10th member of the 500 home run club with a home run at Metropolitan Stadium in Bloomington, Minnesota."

    • August 10, 1971 "The Society for American Baseball Research is founded in Cooperstown, New York."

    • August 10, 1973 First BART (Bay Area Rapid Transit) train travels in San Francisco

    • August 10, 1977 "In Yonkers, New York, 24-year-old postal employee David Berkowitz (""Son of Sam"") is arrested for a series of killings in the New York City area over a year's period."

    • August 10, 1977 "Postal employee David Berkowitz arrested in Yonkers, NY, accused of being ""Son of Sam"" the 44 caliber killer"

    • August 10, 1980 "Allen, the most powerful hurricane in Caribbean hits Brownsville, Tx"

    • August 10, 1981 Coca-Cola Bottling Co agrees to pump $34 million into black business

    • August 10, 1981 "The head of John Walsh's son Adam is found in Hollywood, Florida. This event will later prompt the U.S. Congress to pass the Missing Children's Act to give the Federal Bureau of Investigation greater authority to track the disappearance of children, as well as the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children. It also makes Walsh a national spokesman against crime and eventually leads to the establishment of America's Most Wanted."

    • August 10, 1981 The Richard Nixon Museum in San Clemente closes

    • August 10, 1985 Michael Jackson buys ATV Music (every Beatle songs) for $47 million

    • August 10, 1988 In the Solomon Islands 2 events about 10 seconds apart. One person killed and about 100 homes washed away in 13 villages

    • August 10, 1988 "Japanese American Internment: US President Ronald Reagan signs the Civil Liberties Act of 1988, providing $20,000 payments to Japanese-Americans who were either interned or relocated by in the United States during World War II."

    • August 10, 1988 UN estimates Asia's population hit 3 billion

    • August 10, 1990 The Magellan space probe reaches Venus.

    • August 10, 1990 The Massacre of more than 127 Muslims in the North East Sri Lanka by the paramilitaries.

    • August 10, 1990 US's Magellan spacecraft lands on Venus

    • August 10, 1993 "In the South Island, New Zealand a 7.0 earthquake was centered about 130 kilometers west of Queenstown"

    • August 10, 1995 Los Angeles Dodgers are forced to forfeit against the St. Louis Cardinals after fans throw souvenir baseballs on to the field en masse.

    • August 10, 1998 The Royal Proclamation of HRH Prince Al-Muhtadee Billah as the Crown Prince of Brunei.

    • August 10, 2000 World Population reaches 6 billion according to world population tracker.

    • August 10, 2001 The Hudson River Way is opened to traffic.

    • August 10, 2003 "The highest temperature ever is recorded in the UK, 38.5C (101.3F), occurs in Kent [1]. It is the first time the UK has recorded a temperature over 100 degrees Fahrenheit."

    • August 10, 2003 Yuri Ivanovich Malenchenko becomes the first person to marry in space.

    • August 10, 2006 Scotland Yard disrupts major terrorist plot to destroy aircraft traveling from the United Kingdom to the United States.

    • August 10, 2009 A series of bombings in Iraq kill 48 people and injure 231 in Baghdad and Mosul in continuing violence between Shiites and Sunnis in the area. (

    • August 10, 2009 "At the funeral of Vice-President Joseph Msika, President Robert Mugabe lashes out at ""racist"" western countries, saying ""Zimbabwe need not be tied to any one corner of the world, least of all, to a corner of former imperialist and racist colonisers""."

    • August 10, 2009 "During a tour of Africa, Hillary Rodham Clinton, the United States Secretary of State, attacks a Congolese university student for asking about the opinion of her husband Bill Jefferson Clinton."

    • August 10, 2009 Ecuador?s Health Minister Caroline Chang says South America?s twelve nations have pledged to respect regional vaccine price ceilings to prevent businesses from exploiting fear of the A/H1N1 flu pandemic.

    • August 10, 2009 Ecuadorean President Rafael Correa is sworn in for a second term vowing to deepen his socialist ?revolution?.

    • August 10, 2009 "In an open letter four South African opposition leaders accuse President Jacob Zuma of abuse of power after his naming of Sandile Ngcobo as Chief Justice. The office of President Jacob Zuma responds by saying there was ""nothing unconstitutional"" in Zuma's action."

    • August 10, 2009 "Libya and Chad sign seven agreements to boost trade, security and political co-operation."

    • August 10, 2009 More than 350 new species?including 244 plants and 16 amphibians?are discovered in the Eastern Himalayas.

    • August 10, 2009 Negotiators gather in Austria for informal talks aimed at unblocking a 34-year-old dispute between Morocco and the Western Sahara independence movement.

    • August 10, 2009 "Pope Benedict XVI triggers a ?scandalous poverty? debate in Argentina, with Buenos Aires province governor Daniel Scioli preparing to meet with all Catholic bishops of his area."

    • August 10, 2009 The Fatah Palestinian faction votes in leadership elections for the first time in 20 years.

    • August 10, 2009 "The head of Hyundai Asan, embarks on a mission to North Korea to attempt to secure the release of a company worker."

    • August 10, 2009 "The head of MI6 John Scarlett denies complicity in the alleged torture of British detainee Binyam Mohamed, as the government rejects calls for an inquiry."

    • August 10, 2009 The interim government in Honduras agrees to accept a delegation from the Organization of American States to help solve the political crisis in the country.

    • August 10, 2009 "The UNASUR summit opens in Quito to discuss issues such as Venezuela's ?ethics responsibility? clause, Colombian military bases and the Honduras crisis."

    • August 10, 2009 Two Namibians and a Chinese who are suspected in a corruption investigation involving a firm linked to the son of China's President Hu Jintao appear in a Windhoek court asking to be released on bail.

What happened on August 10 - What happened on my birthday. Today in History. Dates In history

Visitors' Postings

    • August 10, 1927 Visitor posting - Martha Graham was born. Became Martha Ibbertson on December 24 1948

    • August 10, 1930 Visitor posting - Albert Snider born - USA [email protected]

    • August 10, 1951 Visitor posting - Mary's birthday - Brazil

    • August 10, 1962 "Visitor posting - Denise L Grainger is born Anne Arundel, MD - USA"

    • August 10, 1984 Visitor posting - capricorn - India [email protected]

    • August 10, 1989 Visitor posting - Ib Selby was born! - United Kingdom

    • August 10, 1989 Visitor posting - subbu s born - India [email protected]

    • August 10, 1991 Visitor posting - I married my best friend- LK in Illinois

    • August 10, 1993 Visitor posting - jake Hazlewood was born... he is a genious - USA

    • August 10, 1995 "Visitor posting - August 10,1995-Kimberly Alexis Theodore is born to Larry and Michelle"

    • August 10, 1995 Visitor posting - Nick was born - USA

    • August 10, 2002 "Visitor posting - Darrin and Diane Freeman Married in Las Vegas, NV"

    • August 10, 2004 Visitor posting - Robin Marie Sweeney died

    • August 10, 2010 Visitor posting - Cooper Evan Combs was born in Greenville Texas !!! - USA

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