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    See what makes February 2 special at Famous Daily.
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    What happened on February 2

    • February 2, 0506 King Alarik II of Visigoten delegates Lex Romania Visigothorum out

    • February 2, 0672 "Death of Saint Chad, whose feast day this is."

    • February 2, 0962 Pope John XII crowns German King Otto I the Great Emperor

    • February 2, 0962 "Translatio imperii: Pope John XII crowns Otto I, Holy Roman Emperor, the first Holy Roman Emperor in nearly 40 years."

    • February 2, 1032 Burgundy's Rudolph III dies childless February 2 The Holy Roman Emperor Conrad II claims Rudolph's realm under terms of a 1027 treaty of succession and unites it with the empire

    • February 2, 1032 "Conrad II, Holy Roman Emperor becomes King of Burgundy."

    • February 2, 1032 Koenraad II succeeds Rudolf III as king of Bourgundy

    • February 2, 1119 Callixtus II becomes Pope.

    • February 2, 1119 Guido di Borgogna elected Pope Callistus II

    • February 2, 1141 Battle at Lincoln King Stephen captured

    • February 2, 1461 2nd battle of St Alban's-Lancastrians defeat Yorkists

    • February 2, 1509 "Battle of Diu takes place near Diu, India, between Portugal and Turkey."

    • February 2, 1535 Argentine city of Buenos Aires is founded.

    • February 2, 1536 "Buenos Aires, Argentina, is founded by Pedro de Mendoza of Spain."

    • February 2, 1536 "Spaniard Pedro de Mendoza founds Buenos Aires, Argentina."

    • February 2, 1542 Portuguese under Christovo da Gama capture a Moslem-occupied hillfort in northern Ethiopia in the Battle of Baente.

    • February 2, 1550 "English Edward Seymour duke of Somerset, freed"

    • February 2, 1633 "M Rossi's opera ""Erminia sul Giordano,"" premieres in Rome"

    • February 2, 1637 "Zorilla's ""El m s Impropio Verdugo Para Las,"" premieres in Madrid"

    • February 2, 1645 "Royalist army led by James graham, 5th Earl and 1st Marquis of Montrose routed the Earl of Argyll's Covenating forces in the Battle of Inverlochy."

    • February 2, 1653 New Amsterdam now known as New York City is incorporated.

    • February 2, 1653 New Amsterdam (later renamed New York City) is incorporated.

    • February 2, 1653 New Amsterdam becomes a city (later New York NY)

    • February 2, 1709 "Alexander Selkirk is rescued from shipwreck on a desert island, inspiring the book Robinson Crusoe by Daniel Defoe."

    • February 2, 1709 "British sailor Alexander Selkirk is rescued after being marooned on a desert island for 5 years, his story inspires ""Robinson Crusoe"""

    • February 2, 1714 "Nicholas Rowe's ""tragedy of Jane Shore,"" premieres in London"

    • February 2, 1731 "Georg F H„ndels opera ""Poro,"" premieres in London"

    • February 2, 1732 King Frederik Willem I moves Lutherans towards East-Prussia

    • February 2, 1742 British Walpole government resigns

    • February 2, 1762 "Thomas Arnes opera ""Artaxerxes,"" premieres in London"

    • February 2, 1787 Arthur St. Clair is elected the 9th President of the United States in Congress Assembled in the midst of Shays' Rebellion.

    • February 2, 1790 The U.S. Supreme Court convenes for the first time after an unsuccessful attempt on February 1.

    • February 2, 1795 "Joseph Haydns 102nd Symphony in B, premieres"

    • February 2, 1798 "Federal St Theater, Boston, becomes first in US destroyed by fire"

    • February 2, 1802 "First leopard exhibited in US, Boston (admission 25›)"

    • February 2, 1811 "Russian settlers establish Fort Ross trading post, north of San Francisco"

    • February 2, 1812 "Russia establishes a fur trading colony at Fort Ross, along the California coast."

    • February 2, 1823 "Rossini's opera ""Semiramide"" premieres in Venice"

    • February 2, 1829 "Madman Jonathan Martin sets York Cathedral afire, does œ60,000 damage"

    • February 2, 1843 US & British settlers in Oregon Country choose governmental committee

    • February 2, 1848 Mexican-American War: The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo is signed ending the war.

    • February 2, 1848 The first shipload of Chinese arrive in San Francisco

    • February 2, 1848 "The Mexican War formally ends, with the signing of the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo."

    • February 2, 1852 First British public men's flushing toilet opens (Fleet St London)

    • February 2, 1863 Samuel Clemens becomes Mark Twain for first time

    • February 2, 1864 Cruise of CSS Florida

    • February 2, 1869 James Oliver invents the removable tempered steel plow blade

    • February 2, 1870 "Mark Twain, 34, marries Olivia Langdon in Elmira NY"

    • February 2, 1870 The Cardiff Giant (supposed petrified human) proved to be gypsum

    • February 2, 1876 The National League of Professional Baseball Clubs is formed in New York City.

    • February 2, 1876 The National League of Professional Baseball Clubs of Major League Baseball is formed.

    • February 2, 1878 Greece declares war on Turkey

    • February 2, 1880 SS Strathleven arrives in London with first Australian frozen mutton

    • February 2, 1880 "The first electric streetlight is installed in Wabash, Indiana."

    • February 2, 1882 Knights of Columbus forms in New Haven CT

    • February 2, 1882 "The Knights of Columbus are formed in New Haven, Connecticut."

    • February 2, 1887 "In Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania the first Groundhog Day is observed."

    • February 2, 1892 Bottle cap with cork seal patented by William Painter (Baltimore)

    • February 2, 1894 "US warship Kearsarge wrecked on Roncador Reef, near Solomon Island"

    • February 2, 1897 The Pennsylvania state capitol in Harrisburg is destroyed by fire.

    • February 2, 1899 The Australian Premiers' Conference held in Melbourne decides to locate Australia's capital (Canberra) between Sydney and Melbourne.

    • February 2, 1901 Female Army Nurse Corps established as a permanent organization

    • February 2, 1901 The Funeral of Queen Victoria.

    • February 2, 1912 "Frederick R Law, parachutes from Statue of Liberty"

    • February 2, 1913 New York football Giants sign Jim Thorpe

    • February 2, 1913 NYC's Grand Central Terminal opens

    • February 2, 1919 Monarchist riot in Portugal

    • February 2, 1920 Estonia declares its Independence from Russia

    • February 2, 1920 France occupies (German) Memel territory

    • February 2, 1920 France occupies Memel.

    • February 2, 1920 Tarto/Dorpat peace treaty USSR recognizes Estonian independence

    • February 2, 1920 Tartu Peace Treaty signed between Estonia and Russia.

    • February 2, 1922 "James Joyce's ""Ulysses"" published in Paris (1,000 copies)"

    • February 2, 1922 Ulysses by James Joyce published in Paris

    • February 2, 1923 "Ethyl gasoline first marketed, Dayton OH"

    • February 2, 1923 US signs friendship treaty with Central American countries

    • February 2, 1925 Dogsleds reach Nome with emergency diphtheria serum after 1000-km trip

    • February 2, 1925 "Serum run to Nome: Dog sleds reach Nome, Alaska with diphtheria serum, inspiring the Iditarod race."

    • February 2, 1932 Al Capone sent to prison (Atlanta GA)

    • February 2, 1932 Geneva disarmament conference begins with 60 countries

    • February 2, 1933 "2 days after becoming chancellor, Adolf Hitler dissolves Parliament"

    • February 2, 1933 Adolf Hitler dissolves the German Parliament.

    • February 2, 1933 G”ring bans communist meetings/demonstrations in Germany

    • February 2, 1934 Dutch Roman Catholic Bishops warn against fascism/Nazism

    • February 2, 1935 Lie detector first used in court

    • February 2, 1935 "The polygraph machine is tested for the first time. Leonard Keeler conducts the experiment in Portage, Wisconsin."

    • February 2, 1940 Frank Sinatra debuts with the Tommy Dorsey orchestra.

    • February 2, 1940 Frank Sinatra's singing debut in Indianapolis with the Tommy Dorsey Orchestra

    • February 2, 1942 Los Angeles Times urges security measures against Japanese-Americans

    • February 2, 1942 US auto factories switch from commercial to war production

    • February 2, 1943 Nazi troops surrender to Russian forces after the Battle of Stalingrad in WWII.

    • February 2, 1943 The Germans surrender at Stalingrad.

    • February 2, 1943 World War II: The last German forces surrender to the Soviets after the Battle of Stalingrad.

    • February 2, 1944 "4th US marine division conquerors Roi, Marshall Islands"

    • February 2, 1944 Allied troops first set foot on Japanese territory

    • February 2, 1945 Escape attempt at Mauthausen concentration camp

    • February 2, 1945 World War II: President Franklin D. Roosevelt and British Prime Minister Winston Churchill leave to meet with Soviet leader Joseph Stalin at the Yalta Conference.

    • February 2, 1947 "Actress and sex symbol, Farrah Fawcett born in Corpus Christi, Texas. - USA"

    • February 2, 1948 President Truman urges congress to adopt a civil rights program

    • February 2, 1949 Golfing champion Ben Hogan seriously injured in an auto accident

    • February 2, 1949 The first 45 RPM record released can Rock and Roll be far behind

    • February 2, 1950 "British security agents arrested Nuclear physicist Klaus Fuchs on spy charges after an investigation based on an FBI tip derived from Soviet telegrams decrypted and decoded by the Army Signals Agency with FBI investigative assistance; these decrypted, decoded cables are known collectively under the codename Venona."

    • February 2, 1950 "First broadcast of ""What's My Line,"" on CBS-TV"

    • February 2, 1951 "-35§F (-37§C), Greenburg, Indiana (state record until 1994)"

    • February 2, 1952 A tropical storm forms north of Cuba and moves northeast making landfall in Florida. It is the earliest reported formation of a tropical storm on record in the Atlantic basin.

    • February 2, 1954 President Eisenhower reports detonation of first H-bomb (done in 1952)

    • February 2, 1954 Snow falls on Gibraltar

    • February 2, 1955 The first Presidential news conference on network TV-Eisenhower on ABC

    • February 2, 1956 Coasters sign with Atlantic Records

    • February 2, 1957 Liz Taylor's 3rd marriage (Mike Todd)

    • February 2, 1957 President Iskander Mirza of Pakistan lays the foundation-stone of the Guddu Barrage across river Indus near Sukkur.

    • February 2, 1957 UN adopts a resolution calling for Israeli troops to leave Egypt

    • February 2, 1958 Syria joins Egypt in United Arab Republic

    • February 2, 1959 "Buddy Holly, Ritchie Valens, and The Big Bopper played their last performance. They were killed in a plane crash the next day - Feb 3, 1959"

    • February 2, 1959 Buddy Holly's last performance

    • February 2, 1959 Vince Lombardi signs a 5 year contract to coach the Green Bay Packers

    • February 2, 1960 Michale Eufemia sinks 625 balls in pool match without a miss

    • February 2, 1961 Prince Bernhard opens new RAI building in Amsterdam

    • February 2, 1962 8 of 9 planets align for first time in 400 years

    • February 2, 1964 "GI Joe, debuts as a popular American boy's toy"

    • February 2, 1964 Sjoukje Dijkstra (Netherlands) win Olympics gold for figure skating

    • February 2, 1966 Pakistan suggests a six-point agenda with Kashmir dispute as number one item for the proposed Indo-Pak ministerial talks after 1965 war.

    • February 2, 1967 "A second professional basketball league, the American Basketball Association, is formed by representatives of the NBA."

    • February 2, 1967 Bolivia adopts its constitution

    • February 2, 1967 The American Basketball Association is formed.

    • February 2, 1968 "Springer Publishers in West Berlin, bombed"

    • February 2, 1971 "After a coup in Uganda, Idi Amin replaces President Milton Obote as leader."

    • February 2, 1971 "Idi Amin becomes ruler of Uganda, following a coup that ousts President Milton Obote."

    • February 2, 1972 The British embassy in Dublin is destroyed in protest over Bloody Sunday.

    • February 2, 1973 """Midnight Special"" rock music show debuts on NBC-TV"

    • February 2, 1973 James R Schlesinger becomes director of the CIA (until July)

    • February 2, 1973 "Richath Helms, ends term as 8th director of CIA"

    • February 2, 1973 "Test Cricket debut of Richard John Hadlee, New Zealand vs Pakistan, Wellington"

    • February 2, 1974 "Pope Paul VI encyclical ""To Honor Mary"""

    • February 2, 1974 The F-16 Fighting Falcon flies for the first time.

    • February 2, 1975 Army offensive against rebels in Eritrea Ethiopia

    • February 2, 1976 """Honeymooners Second Honeymoon"" airs on TV"

    • February 2, 1976 """Rich Little Show,"" debuts on NBC-TV"

    • February 2, 1976 Groundhog Day gale of 1976 hits the north-eastern United States and south-eastern Canada.

    • February 2, 1977 Burn up of Salyut 4 Space Station (USSR)

    • February 2, 1977 Radio Shack officially begins creating the TRS-80 computer

    • February 2, 1977 "Toronto's Ian Turnbull scores 5 goals, NHL record for a defenseman"

    • February 2, 1980 Abscam: Reports surface that FBI personnel were targeting members of the U.S. Congress in a sting operation.

    • February 2, 1980 "FBI releases details of Abscam, a sting operation that targeted 31 elected & public officials for bribes for political favors"

    • February 2, 1980 Founding congress of the Revolutionary Communist Party of Turkey.

    • February 2, 1980 Number one hit on UK music charts - The Special AKA (Specials) - Too Much Too Young

    • February 2, 1980 "The U.S. learns of an FBI sting operation named ""Abscam"" that targeted members of Congress using agents posing as Arab businessmen."

    • February 2, 1982 """Late Night with David Letterman"" premieres on NBC"

    • February 2, 1982 Government troops & Moslem-fundamentalists battle in Hamah Syria

    • February 2, 1982 Hama Massacre: The government of Syria attacks the town of Hama and kills thousands of people.

    • February 2, 1983 Chicago Archbishop Joseph L Bernardin is among 18 new cardinals invested

    • February 2, 1984 Lebanese army fight in Beirut

    • February 2, 1984 Medicare scheme formally adopted in Australia.

    • February 2, 1986 Dalai Lama meets Pope John Paul II in India

    • February 2, 1986 Oscar Arias Sanchez elected President of Costa Rica

    • February 2, 1987 Philippines adopts constitution

    • February 2, 1987 UK hist Terry Waite kidnapped in Beirut (released 17 Nov 1991)

    • February 2, 1988 "David Boon's 6th Test Cricket century, 184 vs England at Sydney"

    • February 2, 1989 F[rederik] W[illem] de Klerk replaces Botha as South Africa's Nationalist Party leader

    • February 2, 1989 Satellite television service Sky Television plc launched in the Europe.

    • February 2, 1990 Marina Ogilvy (daughter of English princess Alexandra) weds Paul Mowatt

    • February 2, 1990 South African President F.W. de Klerk promises to free imprisoned political prisoner Nelson Mandela and lifts a ban on black membership in the African National Congress.

    • February 2, 1990 South Africa's President F[rederik] W[illem] de Klerk promises to free Nelson Mandela & legalizes African National Congress & 60 other political organizations

    • February 2, 1991 Aravinda De Silva scores 267 vs New Zealand at Wellington

    • February 2, 1991 US postage is raised from 25› to 29›

    • February 2, 1992 IRS & Willie Nelson settle on $9 million tax bill (of $16.7 million)

    • February 2, 1993 "Frito Lay pays court ordered $2,500,000 to Tom Waits for using his song, ""Step Right Up"""

    • February 2, 1993 "Rebels fire rockets on besieged Afghan capital of Kabul, killing 72 people. (What's changed?)"

    • February 2, 1995 "Egyptian, Israeli, Jordanian and Palestinian leaders meet in Cairo to restore peace in the Middle East."

    • February 2, 1995 Henry Olonga no-balled for throwing in Zimbabwe-Pakistan Test Cricket

    • February 2, 1995 US space shuttle Discovery launched

    • February 2, 1996 "Actor and dancer Gene Kelly dies at his Beverly Hills, California, home at age 83."

    • February 2, 1996 "Ali Landry, 22, (Louisiana), crowned 45th Miss USA"

    • February 2, 1998 "A Cebu Pacific Air DC-9-32 crashes into a mountain near Cagayan de Oro, Philippines, killing 104."

    • February 2, 1998 Philippine DC-9 crashes apparently killing all 104 on board

    • February 2, 1999 "A Portland, Oregon jury decrees that a person who created an Internet site listing the names and addresses of abortionists pay $107 million in damages."

    • February 2, 2001 "Former President Clinton and Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton say they will pay for $US86,000 worth of White House gifts they'd chosen to keep."

    • February 2, 2002 "Foundation of Eurodoc, the European Council for Doctoral Candidates and Junior Researchers, in Girona (Spain)."

    • February 2, 2002 Wedding of Crown Prince Willem-Alexander of the Netherlands to the Argentinean born Mxima Zorreguieta in Amsterdam.

    • February 2, 2006 "An aging Egyptian passenger ferry carrying more than 1,400 people sinks in the Red Sea off the Saudi coast."

What happened on February 2 - What happened on my birthday. Today in History. Dates In history

Visitors' Postings

    • February 02, 1921 Visitor posting - murlee adkins born - USA [email protected]

    • February 02, 1949 "Visitor posting - Ed Campbell born in Troy, New York - USA"

    • February 02, 1960 Visitor posting - Febuary 2 1960 Patrick Kelly Born

    • February 02, 1966 Visitor posting - monica rodriguez herrera born - Peru [email protected]

    • February 02, 1966 "Visitor posting - Teri Turtle is gifted to the world in Baltimore, MD - USA"

    • February 02, 1985 Visitor posting - Matthew Bagwell born-photographer of his own existence - USA

    • February 02, 1987 "Visitor posting - John Wesley Wright III was born in Philadelphia,Pa,USA"

    • February 02, 1988 Visitor posting - The beautiful Elizabeth Hale was born - USA

    • February 02, 1992 Visitor posting - Carlie Opel born - USA

    • February 02, 1993 Visitor posting - Robert Curry Smith is born - USA

    • February 02, 1997 Visitor posting - The Princess Haley Jane Trehearne-Dowling was gifted to this world

    • February 02, 2000 Visitor posting - Angel (who is the best) was born on this date - USA

    • February 02, 2000 "Visitor posting - Charlotte Jovia Kathleen Paton was born at 19.50 in Walsgarve Hospital , Coventry weighing 7 pounds 8 ounces to Angus and Mandy Paton. - United Kingdom"

    • February 02, 2000 Visitor posting - Stephanie Torres Was born in the brooklyn - USA

    • February 02, 2002 Visitor posting - Coco Taylor O. was born - USA

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