See what makes January 26 special at Famous Daily. History, birthdays, holiday, and a quote!
What happened on January 26
- January 26, 0066 5th recorded perihelion passage of Halley's Comet
- January 26, 1340 English king Edward III proclaimed king of France
- January 26, 1500 Vicente Yez Pinzn becomes the first European to set foot on Brazil.
- January 26, 1531 "Lisbon hit by Earthquake; about 30,000 die"
- January 26, 1531 "Lisbon, Portugal hit by an earthquake--thousands die."
- January 26, 1564 "The Council of Trent issued its conclusions in the Tridentinum, establishing a distinction between Roman Catholicism and Protestantism."
- January 26, 1565 "Battle of Talikota, fought between the Vijayanagara Empire and the Islamic sultanates of the Deccan, leads to the subjugation, and eventual destruction of the last Hindu kingdom in India, and the consolidation of Islamic rule over much of the Indian subcontinent."
- January 26, 1589 Job is elected as Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia.
- January 26, 1611 "Madame de Poutrincourt leaves Dieppe, France with Jesuits Pierre Biard and Enémond Masse and her son, Charles Biencourt; first titled lady, first Jesuits in Canada"
- January 26, 1654 Portuguese troops conquer last Dutch base on Recife
- January 26, 1689 "Jean Racine's ""Esther,"" premieres in Saint-Cyr"
- January 26, 1697 "Isaac Newton receives Jean Bernoulli's 6 month time-limit problem, solves problem before going to bed that same night"
- January 26, 1699 Treaty of Carlowitz signed.
- January 26, 1699 "Venice, Poland & Austria sign peace treaty with Turkey"
- January 26, 1700 "The magnitude 9 Cascadia Earthquake took place off the west coast of the North America, as evidenced by Japanese records."
- January 26, 1700 "This great earthquake occurred about 9 pm on the Cascadia Fault, the boundary between the North American and Juan de Fuca plates. This was almost 100 years before the first European explorers made contact with native peoples on the west coast. This was one of the world's great earthquakes with a magnitude estimated at 9."
- January 26, 1736 Stanislaus I of Poland abdicates his throne.
- January 26, 1736 Stanislaw Lesczynski flees Polish throne
- January 26, 1748 "England, Netherlands, Austria & Sardinia sign anti-French treaty"
- January 26, 1784 Ben Franklin expresses unhappiness over the eagle as America's symbol
- January 26, 1788 "Captain Arthur Phillip forms English colony at Sydney, Botany Bay New South Wales as a penal colony"
- January 26, 1788 "The British First Fleet, led by Arthur Phillip, sails into Sydney Harbour to establish Sydney, the first permanent European settlement on the continent. Commemorated as Australia Day"
- January 26, 1788 The first group of European settlers arrives in Australia.
- January 26, 1788 UK hist First convicts (and free settlers) arrive in New South Wales (left Portsmouth 13 May 1787) ? the 'First Fleet'; eleven ships commanded by Captain Arthur Phillip
- January 26, 1789 John Odell signs contract for œ336 to build St Peter's church (Bronx)
- January 26, 1797 "Russia, Prussia & Austria sign treaty"
- January 26, 1802 Congress passes an act calling for a US Capitol library
- January 26, 1802 The Italian republic created January 26 from the former Cisalpine republic with Napoleon Bonaparte as president annexes Piedmont September 21 and annexes Parma and Piacenza in October
- January 26, 1808 "Rum Rebellion, the only successful (albeit short-lived) armed takeover of the government in Australia."
- January 26, 1837 Michigan admitted as 26th US state
- January 26, 1837 Michigan is admitted as the 26th U.S. state.
- January 26, 1838 Tennessee becomes first state to prohibit alcohol
- January 26, 1841 Hong Kong proclaimed a sovereign territory of Britain
- January 26, 1841 "The United Kingdom formally occupies Hong Kong, which China later formally ceded."
- January 26, 1855 Point No Point Treaty signed in Washington Territory.
- January 26, 1861 Louisiana becomes 6th state to secede
- January 26, 1862 "Lincoln issues General War Order #1, calling for a Union offensive McClellan ignores order"
- January 26, 1863 54th Regiment (Black) infantry forms
- January 26, 1863 War Department authorizes Massachusetts Governor to recruit black troops
- January 26, 1870 "Virginia rejoins the Union, following the end of the Civil War."
- January 26, 1871 British Rugby Union forms
- January 26, 1871 US income tax repealed
- January 26, 1875 Electric dental drill is patented by George F Green
- January 26, 1881 Union of Baptists Communities forms in Foxholl
- January 26, 1882 France government of Gambetta falls
- January 26, 1885 "Muhammad Ahmed (""Mahdi"") rebels conquer Khartoum"
- January 26, 1885 Troops loyal to The Mahdi conquer Khartoum.
- January 26, 1885 "UK hist Fall of Khartoum, General Gordon killed"
- January 26, 1887 Battle of Dogali Abyssinian Emperor John IV defeats Italians
- January 26, 1897 Battle at Bida Gold Coast British troops beat Nupe's army
- January 26, 1905 "Han Yong-woon [Bongwan, Manhae] (1879-1944) ordained a monk in Korea"
- January 26, 1905 "The Cullinan Diamond is found near Pretoria, South Africa at the Premier Mine."
- January 26, 1905 "World's largest diamond, the 3,106-carat Cullinan, is found in South Africa"
- January 26, 1907 "J M Synge's ""Playboy of the Western World"" opens; police are called"
- January 26, 1907 The first federal corrupt election practices law passed
- January 26, 1907 "The Short Magazine Lee-Enfield Mk III is officially introduced into British Military Service, and remains the oldest military rifle still in official use."
- January 26, 1910 Heavy rains cause floods in Paris
- January 26, 1911 "Glenn Curtiss pilots first successful hydroplane, San Diego CA"
- January 26, 1911 Glenn H. Curtiss flies the first successful seaplane.
- January 26, 1913 Jim Thorpe relinquishes his 1912 Olympic medals for being a pro
- January 26, 1914 600 Dutch textile workers go on strike
- January 26, 1914 Vatican puts Belgian Nobel winner Maeterlinck's works in their index
- January 26, 1915 "Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado established"
- January 26, 1918 "President Hoover calls for ""wheatless"" & ""meatless"" days for war effort"
- January 26, 1920 Amadeo Modigliani's mistress jumps out of a window
- January 26, 1920 Former Ford Motor Co. executive Henry Leland launches the Lincoln Motor Company which he later sold to his former employer.
- January 26, 1924 Parliament approves the Red Ensign as Canada's official flag for government buildings at home and abroad
- January 26, 1926 "Television first demonstrated (John L Baird, London)"
- January 26, 1929 Indian National Congress proclaims goal for India's independence
- January 26, 1930 Cleveland's Terminal Tower opens (52 stories)
- January 26, 1930 The Indian National Congress declares 26 January as Independence Day or as the day for Poorna Swaraj (Complete Independence) which occurred 20 years later.
- January 26, 1931 Hungary-Austria sign peace treaty
- January 26, 1932 British submarine M-2 sinks in Channel (60 dead)
- January 26, 1934 "Bradman scores 128 New South Wales vs Victoria, 96 minutes, 17 fours 4 sixes"
- January 26, 1934 German-Polish Non-Aggression Pact is signed.
- January 26, 1934 Nazi Germany & Poland sign non-attack treaty for 10 years
- January 26, 1934 "The Apollo Theater reopens in Harlem, New York City."
- January 26, 1936 "Heatherfield, coaster, 500 tons. Ran ashore in a fog at Whitby, Yorkshire. Crew rescued by breeches buoy."
- January 26, 1939 Federal Hall National Monument established
- January 26, 1939 "Filming begins on ""Gone With the Wind"""
- January 26, 1939 Franco conquers Barcelona
- January 26, 1939 Spanish Civil War: Troops loyal to nationalist General Francisco Franco and aided by Italy take Barcelona.
- January 26, 1940 Nazis forbid Polish Jews to travel on trains
- January 26, 1942 Italian supreme command demands dismissal of German marshal Rommel
- January 26, 1942 The first US force in Europe during WWII goes ashore in Northern Ireland
- January 26, 1942 U.S. troops land in Northern Ireland to support the Allied effort during WWII.
- January 26, 1942 Wartime Prices and Trade Board brings in sugar rationing; 12 ounces per person per week
- January 26, 1942 World War II: The first United States forces arrive in Europe landing in Northern Ireland.
- January 26, 1945 Soviet forces reach Auschwitz concentration camp
- January 26, 1945 "Soviet troops arrive at Auschwitz to discover 7,600 survivors and 648 corpses. Most of the prisoners in Auschwitz had been sent out on a death march on Jan 18."
- January 26, 1947 "KLM Dakota crashes near Copenhagen, 22 die"
- January 26, 1948 "Executive Order 9981, end segregation in US Armed Forces signed"
- January 26, 1949 "USS Norton Sound, first guided-missile ship, launches first guided missile, Loon."
- January 26, 1950 India becomes a republic as new President Rajendra Prasad takes the oath of office.
- January 26, 1950 India promulgates its constitution forming a republic and Rajendra Prasad is sworn in as its first president Republic Day.
- January 26, 1952 "Black Saturday in Egypt: riots burn Cairo's central business district, targeting British and upper-class Egyptian businesses."
- January 26, 1954 Ground breaking begins on Disneyland
- January 26, 1956 "7th Winter Olympic games open in Cortina d'Ampezzo, Italy"
- January 26, 1956 Buddy Holly's first formal recording session
- January 26, 1956 Porkkala military base returned to Finland by USSR
- January 26, 1957 "Dutch PSP, Pacifist Socialistic Party, forms"
- January 26, 1957 India annexes Kashmir
- January 26, 1958 H Laskow replaces Moshe Dayan as Israeli minister of Defense
- January 26, 1958 "Jack Smith takes over for Art Baker as TV host of ""You Asked for It"""
- January 26, 1959 Italy government of Fanfani resigns
- January 26, 1961 """Are You Lonesome Tonight?"" by Elvis Presley peaks to #1"
- January 26, 1961 John F. Kennedy appoints Janet G. Travell to be his physician. This is the first time a woman holds this appointment.
- January 26, 1961 Number one hit on UK music charts - Elvis Presley - Are You Lonesome Tonight
- January 26, 1962 "Bishop Burke of Buffalo Catholic dioceses declares Chubby Checker's ""Twist"" is impure & bans it from all Catholic schools"
- January 26, 1962 Canadian Marine Service renamed Coast Guard
- January 26, 1962 "Ranger program: Ranger 3 is launched to study the moon. The space probe later missed the moon by 22,000 miles (35,400 km)."
- January 26, 1962 "US launches Ranger 3, misses Moon by 22,000-mile (37,000-km)"
- January 26, 1963 """Milk & Honey"" closes at Martin Beck Theater New York City NY after 543 performances"
- January 26, 1965 Hindi becomes the official language of India.
- January 26, 1965 South Vietnam military coup under General Nguyen Khanh
- January 26, 1966 "The Beaumont Children go missing from Glenelg Beach near Adelaide, South Australia."
- January 26, 1968 "Israeli submarine Dakar crashes in Mediterranean Sea, 69 die"
- January 26, 1971 Charles Manson convicted of murder
- January 26, 1972 "Stewardess Vesna Vulovic survives 10,160m fall without parachute"
- January 26, 1973 Actor Edward G. Robinson dies at age 79.
- January 26, 1974 Number one hit on UK music charts - Mud - Tiger Feet
- January 26, 1976 Belgium catholic elite start amnesty campaign for war criminals
- January 26, 1976 "Israel opens ""Good Fence"" to Lebanon"
- January 26, 1977 "Soviet figure skaters Sergei Shakrai & Marine Tcherkasova are first to perform a quadruple twist lift, Helsinki"
- January 26, 1978 International Ultraviolet Explorer placed in Earth orbit
- January 26, 1978 Mario Soares forms Portuguese government
- January 26, 1978 "Strikers riot in Tunisia, killing about 40"
- January 26, 1979 """The Dukes of Hazzard"" premieres on CBS's vast wasteland"
- January 26, 1979 Music Center Vredenburg opens in Utrecht Netherlands
- January 26, 1980 "175,000 pay to hear Frank Sinatra sing in Rio de Janeiro!"
- January 26, 1980 Israel & Egypt establish diplomatic relations
- January 26, 1980 Israel and Egypt establish diplomatic relations.
- January 26, 1980 Prime Minister Joe Clark warns USSR that Canada will boycott Summer Olympics in Moscow if Soviet troops do not leave Afghanistan
- January 26, 1981 Sandeep Patil scores memorable 174 vs Australia at Adelaide Oval
- January 26, 1982 Mauno Koivisto elected President of Finland
- January 26, 1982 UK hist Unemployment reached 3 million in Britain (1 in 8 of working population)
- January 26, 1983 Dutch/British infrared satellite IRAS launched from California
- January 26, 1984 "Federal government announces land claims settlement with Yukon first nations, who receive $620 million and title to 20,000 sq km"
- January 26, 1984 US navy exhibits Piasecki helistat-4 helicopters & a blimp able to lift 26 tons-Lakehurst New Jersey
- January 26, 1985 42th Golden Globes Amadeus wins
- January 26, 1985 Edmonton Oiler Wayne Gretzky scores 50th goal in 49th game of season
- January 26, 1986 Yoweri Museveni's rebel army conquerors Kampala Uganda
- January 26, 1987 "14th American Music Award Whitney Houston, Lionel Richie & Alabama"
- January 26, 1987 Hart Foundation beat British Bulldogs for WWF tag team title
- January 26, 1988 """Phantom of the Opera"" opens at Majestic Theater New York City NY for 4,000+ performances"
- January 26, 1988 Andrew Lloyd Webber's The Phantom of the Opera has its first performance on Broadway at the Majestic Theatre in New York.
- January 26, 1988 Australia's 200th anniversary-parade of tall ships in Sydney Harbor
- January 26, 1988 "CIBC buys 65% of Wood Gundy for $190 million, mostly in shares"
- January 26, 1989 AT&T reports first loss in 103 years; $1.67 B in 1988
- January 26, 1989 "Test debut of Mark Taylor, Australia vs West Indies, Sydney"
- January 26, 1989 US computer security expert warns of catastrophic virus
- January 26, 1990 Annular eclipse visible over Antarctica & South Atlantic
- January 26, 1991 Alfaro Vive guerrilla group of Ecuador gives arms to Catholic church
- January 26, 1991 Jan Stenerud becomes first pure placekicker to make NFL Hall of Fame
- January 26, 1991 "Mohamed Siad Barre is removed in Somalia, ending centralized government"
- January 26, 1992 Americans with Disabilities Act went into effect
- January 26, 1992 Boris Yeltsin announces that Russia is going to stop targeting United States cities with nuclear weapons.
- January 26, 1993 Brian Tobin sworn in as Premier of Newfoundland
- January 26, 1993 Jeanne Sauvé dies in hospital; Sauvé served as Canada's first woman Governor General
- January 26, 1993 West Indies defeat Australia by one run in 4th Test at Adelaide
- January 26, 1995 "New Jersey Governor Christine Whitman, dedicates a rest stop to Howard Stern"
- January 26, 1998 25th American Music Award Spice Girls & Babyface win
- January 26, 1998 Intel launches 333 MHz Pentium II chip
- January 26, 1998 "Lewinsky scandal: On American television, U.S. President Bill Clinton denies having had ""sexual relations"" with former White House intern Monica Lewinsky."
- January 26, 1998 "President Clinton says ""I want to say one thing to the American people, I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Miss Lewinsky"""
- January 26, 2000 "Rap-metal band Rage Against the Machine plays in front of Wall Street, prompting an early closing of trading due to the crowds."
- January 26, 2001 "An earthquake hits Gujarat, India, causing more than 20,000 deaths."
- January 26, 2004 "A whale explodes in the town of Tainan, Taiwan. A build-up of gas in the decomposing Sperm whale is suspected of causing the explosion."
- January 26, 2004 President Hamid Karzai signs the new constitution of Afghanistan.
- January 26, 2005 "A CH-53 Sea Stallion transport helicopter went down in a sandstorm in western Iraq, killing 31 U.S. troops."
- January 26, 2005 "Condoleezza Rice is sworn in as U.S. Secretary of State, becoming the first African American woman to hold the post."
- January 26, 2005 "Glendale train crash: Two trains derail killing 11 and injuring 200 in Glendale, California, near Los Angeles."
- January 26, 2006 Western Union discontinues use of its telegram service.