See what makes June 10 special at Famous Daily. History, birthdays, holiday, and a quote!
What happened on June 10
- June 10, 1190 Third Crusade: Frederick I Barbarossa drowns in the Sally River while leading an army to Jerusalem.
- June 10, 1539 "Council of Trent: Paul III sends out letters to his bishops, delaying the Council due to war and the difficulty bishops had had traveling to Venice."
- June 10, 1610 "The first Dutch settlers arrive (from NJ), to colonize Manhattan Island"
- June 10, 1619 "Thirty Years' War: Battle of Zblat, a turning point in the Bohemian Revolt."
- June 10, 1639 The first American log cabin at Fort Christina (Wilmington Delaware)
- June 10, 1682 Tornado in Connecticut uproots a 3' diameter oak tree
- June 10, 1692 "Salem witch trials: Bridget Bishop is hanged at Gallows Hill near Salem, Massachusetts, for ""certaine Detestable Arts called Witchcraft & Sorceries""."
- June 10, 1719 "Battle of Glenshiel which saw the end of a minor Jacobite rising. Only 1000 men joined the Jacobite side under the 10th Earl Marischal. Faced by a Hanovarian army under General Wightman, after some hours of engagement, the Jacobite forces disbanded"
- June 10, 1720 Mrs Clements of England markets first paste-style mustard
- June 10, 1752 Ben Franklin's kite is struck by lightning
- June 10, 1756 "UK hist Black Hole of Calcutta ? 146 Britons imprisoned, most die according to British sources"
- June 10, 1760 NY passes first effective law regulating practice of medicine
- June 10, 1770 Captain James Cook runs aground on the Great Barrier Reef.
- June 10, 1793 French Revolution: Following arrests of Girondin leaders the Jacobins gain control of the Committee of Public Safety installing the revolutionary dictatorship.
- June 10, 1793 "The Jardin des Plantes museum opens in Paris (becoming, a year later, the first public zoo)."
- June 10, 1801 Tripoli declares war on US for refusing tribute
- June 10, 1805 First Barbary War: Yussif Karamanli signs a treaty ending hostilities with the United States.
- June 10, 1809 The first US steamboat to a make an ocean voyage leaves NY for Phila
- June 10, 1829 UK hist First Oxford/Cambridge Boat Race
- June 10, 1846 Robert Thomson obtains an English patent on a rubber tire
- June 10, 1848 The first telegraph link between NYC & Chicago
- June 10, 1854 Georg F.B. Reiman proposes that space is curved
- June 10, 1854 The first class of United States Naval Academy students graduate.
- June 10, 1854 "The U.S. Naval Academy holds its first graduation in Annapolis, Maryland."
- June 10, 1863 "Battle of Brice's Crossroads, Miss; Forrest w/3500 defeats 8000 Feds"
- June 10, 1864 "Siege of Petersburgbegins and lasts until April 2, 1865"
- June 10, 1869 S.S.Agnes arrives in New Orleans with first ever shipment of frozen beef
- June 10, 1871 "Sinmiyangyo: Captain McLane Tilton leads 109 Marines in naval attack on Han River forts on Kanghwa Island, Korea."
- June 10, 1886 "Eruption of Mount Tarawera in New Zealand, killing 153 people and destroying the famous Pink and White Terraces."
- June 10, 1898 "US Marines land in Cuba, during Spanish-American War"
- June 10, 1899 Improved Benevolent & Protective Order of Elks forms in Cincinnati
- June 10, 1902 Patent for window envelope granted to H.F. Callahan
- June 10, 1905 "The first forest fire lookout tower placed in operation, Greenville, Me"
- June 10, 1909 A Morse Code SOS signal is transmitted for the first time in an emergency as the Cunard liner SS Slavonia is wrecked off the Azores.
- June 10, 1916 Great Arab Revolt begin
- June 10, 1918 Austro-Hungarian battleship SMS Szent Istvan sinks after being torpedoed by an Italian MAS motorboat.
- June 10, 1924 Fascists kidnap and kill Italian socialist leader Giacomo Matteotti in Rome.
- June 10, 1925 "Inaugural service for the United Church of Canada, a union of Presbyterian, Methodist, and Congregationalist churches held in Toronto arena"
- June 10, 1934 Italy beats Czechoslovakia 2-1 (OT) in soccer's 2nd World Cup at Rome
- June 10, 1935 Alcoholics Anonymous is founded in New York City.
- June 10, 1940 "World War II: German forces, under General Erwin Rommel, reach the English Channel."
- June 10, 1940 World War II: Italy declares war on France and the United Kingdom.
- June 10, 1940 World War II: Norway Surrenders to German forces.
- June 10, 1940 "World War II: U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt denounces Italy's actions with ""Stab in the Back"" speech from the graduation ceremonies of the University of Virginia."
- June 10, 1941 Recruitment commenced for the Torres Strait Defence Force to be drawn from the indigenous population of the Torres Strait Islands The Force included the Torres Strait Regiment
- June 10, 1941 Rudolf He crashes a Luftwaffe fighter-bomber in England in an attempt to put an end to World War 2.
- June 10, 1942 Massacre at Lidice (Czechoslovakia) Gestapo kills 173
- June 10, 1942 World War II: Nazis burn the Czech village of Lidice as reprisal for the killing of Reinhard Heydrich.
- June 10, 1943 FDR becomes first US pres to visit a foreign country during wartime
- June 10, 1943 FDR signs withholding tax bill into law (this is W-2 Day!)
- June 10, 1943 "Lieutenant Commander F. A. Erickson, USCG, proposed that helicopters be developed for antisubmarine warfare, ""not as a killer craft but as the eyes and ears of the convoy escorts."" To this end he recommended that helicopters be equipped with radar and dunking sonar."
- June 10, 1944 "In baseball, 15-year old Joe Nuxhall of the Cincinnati Reds becomes the youngest player ever in a major-league game."
- June 10, 1944 "World War II: 642 men, women and children are killed in the Oradour-sur-Glane Massacre in France."
- June 10, 1944 "World War II: In Distomo, Boeotia Prefecture, Greece 218 children,women and men were massacred by German troops."
- June 10, 1945 "9th Division supported by the RAAF lands at Brunei Bay, beginning the invasion of British North Borneo"
- June 10, 1945 Australian Imperial Forces landed in Brunei Bay to liberate Brunei.
- June 10, 1946 Italian Republic established
- June 10, 1947 Saab produces its first automobile.
- June 10, 1948 Test pilot Chuck Yeager breaks the sound barrier in the Bell XS-1.
- June 10, 1954 PBS reaches SF: KQED (Channel 9) starts broadcasting
- June 10, 1955 The first separation of virus into component parts reported
- June 10, 1956 16th modern Olympiad equestrian events open in Stockholm
- June 10, 1957 Harold MacMillan becomes British PM
- June 10, 1957 John Diefenbacker (C) elected PM of Canada with the biggest majority to date
- June 10, 1961 Suzanne Clayton's birthday June 10th 1961
- June 10, 1964 Southern filibuster on civil rights bill ends; cloture invoked
- June 10, 1966 "Beatles ""Paperback Writer"" is released in the UK"
- June 10, 1966 Janis Joplins first live concert (Avalon Ballroom in SF)
- June 10, 1967 Argentina becomes a member of the Berne Convention copyright treaty.
- June 10, 1967 "Israel, Syria, Jordan, Iraq & Egypt end ""6-Day War"" with UN help"
- June 10, 1967 Six-Day War ends: Israel and Syria agree to a cease-fire.
- June 10, 1971 11 die in a train crash in Salem Ill
- June 10, 1973 NASA launches Radio Astronomy Explorer 49 into lunar orbit
- June 10, 1975 "Rockefeller panel reports on 300,000 illegal CIA files on Americans"
- June 10, 1976 "67,000 fans attends Wings concert at Seattle's Kingdome"
- June 10, 1977 Apple Computer ships its first Apple II
- June 10, 1977 James Earl Ray (Martin Luther King's killer) escapes from prison
- June 10, 1978 Costa Rica becomes a member of the Berne Convention copyright treaty.
- June 10, 1981 IRA's Joseph Doherty escapes from Crumlin Road Jail
- June 10, 1982 Israeli troops reach outskirts of Beirut
- June 10, 1984 "Ivan Lendl wins the French Open, his first grand slam title"
- June 10, 1984 US missile shot down an incoming missile in space for first time
- June 10, 1985 Claus von Bulow acquitted on charges he tried to murder his wife
- June 10, 1985 "Coca Cola announces they'd bring back their 99-year-old formula so much for the ""New Coke"""
- June 10, 1985 "The Israeli army ends its 1,099 day occupation of Lebanon."
- June 10, 1987 Discovery's SRBs and External Tank are mated
- June 10, 1988 "Greatest number of participants (31,678) on a bicycle tour (London)"
- June 10, 1989 "Major French Open upset, as Spain's Arantxa Sanchez, 17 beats heavily ÿ favored Steffi Graf, also first Spaniard to win a grand slam title"
- June 10, 1989 Number one hit on UK music charts - Jason Donovan - Sealed With A Kiss
- June 10, 1990 Andres Gomez beats Andre Agassi for French Open title
- June 10, 1990 Burger King begins using Newman's Own Salad Dressing
- June 10, 1990 Rap group 2 Live crew members arrested in Fla for obscenity
- June 10, 1991 Mother of All Parades-NYC welcomes desert storm troops
- June 10, 1992 Fatal ambush of U.S. Army Humvee in Panama on eve of President George H. W. Bush's visit to that country
- June 10, 1996 Peace talks begin in Northern Ireland without Sinn Fin.
- June 10, 1997 Khmer Rouge leader Pol Pot orders the killing of his defense chief Son Sen and 11 of Sen's family members before Pol Pot flees his northern stronghold.
- June 10, 1999 Kosovo War: NATO suspends its air strikes after Slobodan Miloevi agrees to withdraw Serbian forces from Kosovo.
- June 10, 2000 "UK hist Millennium footbridge over the Thames opens, but wobbles and is quickly declared dangerous and closed ? finally reopened Feb 2002"
- June 10, 2001 Pope John Paul II canonizes Saint Rafqa
- June 10, 2002 First direct electronic communication experiment between the nervous systems of two humans carried out by Kevin Warwick in the United Kingdom.
- June 10, 2003 "The Spirit Rover is launched, beginning NASA's Mars Exploration Rover mission."
- June 10, 2010 "Officials report that on June 8, 2010 Taliban executes boy, 7, for spying - Afghanistan"