See what makes May 15 special at Famous Daily. History, birthdays, holiday, and a quote!
What happened on May 15
- May 15, 1252 "Pope Innocent IV issues the papal bull ad exstirpanda, which authorizes the torture of heretics in the Medieval Inquisition."
- May 15, 1492 Cheese & Bread rebellion: German mercenaries kills 232 Alkmaarse
- May 15, 1514 "Jodocus Badius Ascensius publishes Christiern Pedersen's Latin version of Saxos Gesta Danorum, the oldest known version of that work."
- May 15, 1525 "German boer army surrounded/slaughters 5,000; ends Boer war"
- May 15, 1525 The battle of Frankenhausen ends the Peasants' War.
- May 15, 1536 Anna Boleyn & Lord Rochford accused of adultery/incest
- May 15, 1567 "Mary Queen of Scots weds James Hepburn, Earl of Bothwell, her third husband."
- May 15, 1567 "Mary, Queen of Scots marries James Hepburn, Earl of Bothwell"
- May 15, 1572 Louis van Nassau & huguenots occupy Valenciennes
- May 15, 1602 Bartholomew Gosnold becomes the first European to see Cape Cod.
- May 15, 1602 Cape Cod discovered by English navigator Bartholomew Gosnold
- May 15, 1610 Louis XIII appointed King of France
- May 15, 1610 Parliament of Paris appoints Louis XIII (8) as French king
- May 15, 1618 Johannes Kepler confirms his previously rejected discovery of the third law of planetary motion (he first discovered it on March 8 but soon rejected the idea after some initial calculations were made).
- May 15, 1625 16 rebellious farmers hanged in V�cklamarkt Upper-Austria
- May 15, 1648 Treaty of M�nster: Spain & Netherlands ratified
- May 15, 1665 Pope Alexander VII convicts Jansenisme
- May 15, 1672 The first copyright law enacted by Massachusetts
- May 15, 1701 The War of the Spanish Succession begins.
- May 15, 1702 "War of Spanish Succession, first American conflict between England & France"
- May 15, 1718 "James Puckle, a London lawyer, patents the world's first machine gun."
- May 15, 1756 The Seven Years' War begins when England declares war on France.
- May 15, 1776 American Revolution: Virginia convention instructs its delegates to propose a declaration of independence from Great Britain.
- May 15, 1792 "War of the First Coalition, France declares war on Kingdom of Sardinia."
- May 15, 1793 "Diego Marn Aguilera flies a glider for ""about 360 meters"", at a height of 5-6 meters, during one of the first attempted flights."
- May 15, 1796 France & Sardinia sign Peace treaty of Paris
- May 15, 1796 French troops occupy Milan
- May 15, 1800 King George III survives a 2nd assassination attempt
- May 15, 1800 Pope Pius VII calls on French bishops to return to Gospel principles
- May 15, 1811 Paraguay declares independence from Spain.
- May 15, 1817 "Ambonese uprising against Dutch authority, under T Matulesia"
- May 15, 1817 "Opening of the first private mental health hospital in the United States, the Asylum for the Relief of Persons Deprived of the Use of Their Reason (now Friends Hospital) Philadelphia, Pennsylvania."
- May 15, 1836 "Francis Baily observes ""Baily's Beads"" during annular solar eclipse"
- May 15, 1849 Philadelphia Turngemeinde founded
- May 15, 1849 Troops of the Two Sicilies take Palermo and crush the republican government of Sicily.
- May 15, 1851 "First sorority Alpha Delta Pi founded at Wesleyan College in Macon, Georgia."
- May 15, 1851 Rama IV is crowned King of Thailand.
- May 15, 1858 Royal Italian Opera opens in Covent Garden London
- May 15, 1858 The third Royal Opera House officially opens in London.
- May 15, 1862 Battle of Drewry's Bluff (Fort Darling) VA
- May 15, 1862 Battle of Princeton WV
- May 15, 1862 Confederate cruiser The Alabama runs aground near London
- May 15, 1862 Department of Agriculture created
- May 15, 1862 "General Benjamin F Butler issues ""Woman's Order"" - women of New Orleans to be treated as whores as a result of their treatment of Union soldiers"
- May 15, 1862 President Abraham Lincoln signs a bill into law creating the United States Bureau of Agriculture (later renamed USDA).
- May 15, 1864 Battle of New Market VA
- May 15, 1864 Battle of Resaca GA (3rd day)
- May 15, 1864 Skirmish at Marksville (Avoyelles) (Red River Campaign)
- May 15, 1868 Dutch Government of Zuylen van Nijevelt falls
- May 15, 1869 National Woman Suffrage Association forms
- May 15, 1869 "Woman's suffrage: In New York, Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton form the National Woman Suffrage Association."
- May 15, 1882 May Laws-Czar Alexander III bans Jews from living in rural Romania
- May 15, 1883 Italy signs military treaty with Austria-Hungary & Germany
- May 15, 1885 "Canadian Meti insurgent Louis Riel captured, Saskatchewan"
- May 15, 1891 British Central African Protectorate (now Malawi) is established
- May 15, 1891 Operations begin at Philips & Company in Holland
- May 15, 1891 "Rerum Novarum, the first document of the Catholic Social Teaching tradition is published by Pope Leo XIII."
- May 15, 1896 Tornado kills 78 in Texas
- May 15, 1897 The Greek army retreats with heavy losses in Greco-Turkish War
- May 15, 1902 "In a field outside Grass Valley, California, Lyman Gilmore reportedly becomes the first person to fly a powered airplane (a steam-powered glider)."
- May 15, 1902 Portugal bankrupt by revolt in Angola
- May 15, 1905 "Las Vegas, Nevada is founded"
- May 15, 1905 "Las Vegas, Nevada, is founded when 110 acres (0.4 km), in what later would become downtown, are auctioned off."
- May 15, 1905 Pierre de Brazza reaches Leopoldville
- May 15, 1907 "Toronto Ontario, plumbers go on four-month strike nobody plug the toilet!!!!!"
- May 15, 1910 The last time a major earthquake happened on the Elsinore Fault Zone.
- May 15, 1911 British house of commons accept Parliament Bill
- May 15, 1911 Supreme Court dissolves Standard Oil (Sherman Antitrust Act)
- May 15, 1911 The Georgios Averof cruiser is bought by Greece.
- May 15, 1912 Ty Cobb rushes a heckler at a New York Highlander game & is suspended
- May 15, 1914 Bolivia becomes a signatory to the Buenos Aires copyright treaty.
- May 15, 1916 Asiago Italy falls when Austrian troops attack the Italian front
- May 15, 1918 Finnish Civil War ends.
- May 15, 1918 Greek troops lands at Smyrna
- May 15, 1918 "The first regular airmail service (between New York, Philadelphia & Washington DC) inaugurated"
- May 15, 1918 "The US Post Office Department (later renamed the USPS) begins the first regular airmail service in the world (between New York City, Philadelphia and Washington, DC)."
- May 15, 1919 "Greek invasion of zmir. During the invasion, the Greek army killed or wounded 350 Turks. The responsible were punished by the Greek Commander Aristides Stergiades. Hasan Tahsin fired the first shot of the Turkish War of Independence."
- May 15, 1919 "The Winnipeg General Strike began. By 11:00, virtually the entire working population of Winnipeg had walked off the job."
- May 15, 1920 Council of Lithuania adjourned as newly elected Constituent Assembly of Lithuania met for the first time in Kaunas
- May 15, 1923 Cooperation of Dutch Molen forms
- May 15, 1928 Mickey Mouse made his first appearance
- May 15, 1928 "Release of the animated short ""Plane Crazy"", featuring the first appearances of Mickey and Minnie Mouse."
- May 15, 1929 "A fire at the Cleveland Clinic in Cleveland, Ohio kills 123."
- May 15, 1929 Fire in X-ray film stock kills 125 at Crile Clinic (Cleveland OH)
- May 15, 1930 "Aboard a Boeing tri-motor, Ellen Church becomes the first airline stewardess, on a flight from Oakland, California to Chicago."
- May 15, 1930 "Ellen Church becomes the first airline stewardess (United airlines, San Francisco to Cheyenne, WY)"
- May 15, 1932 The May 15 Incident. In an attempted coup the Prime Minister of Japan Inukai Tsuyoshi is killed.
- May 15, 1933 The first voice amplification system to be used in US Senate
- May 15, 1934 "Department of Justice offers $25,000 reward for Dillinger, dead or alive"
- May 15, 1934 Karlis Ulmanis names himself fascist dictator of Latvia
- May 15, 1934 Krlis Ulmanis establishes an authoritarian government in Latvia.
- May 15, 1936 Amy Johnson arrives in Croydon England from South Africa in record 4 days 16 hours
- May 15, 1938 Paul-Henri Spak forms red coalition of Belgium
- May 15, 1940 German armour division moves into Northern France
- May 15, 1940 "German troops occupy Amsterdam, General Winkelman surrenders"
- May 15, 1940 McDonald's is founded.
- May 15, 1940 Nazis capture General Dutch Persbureau (ANP)
- May 15, 1940 Nylon stockings go on sale for first time (US)
- May 15, 1940 "World War II: After fierce fighting, the poorly trained and equipped Dutch troops surrender to Nazi Germany, marking the beginning of 5 years of occupation."
- May 15, 1941 Baseball player Joe DiMaggio starts his record-breaking 56-game hitting streak.
- May 15, 1941 British attack Halfaya-pass & Fort Capuzzo in Egypt & Libya
- May 15, 1941 Nazi occupiers in Netherlands forbid Jewish music
- May 15, 1941 Rumania passes law condemning Jews to forced labor.
- May 15, 1941 The first British turbojet flies
- May 15, 1942 Australian troops reinforce Port Moresby
- May 15, 1942 Gasoline first rationed in US (17 Eastern States)
- May 15, 1942 "Movement of POWs (""A Force"") to Thailand from Singapore for work on the Burma?Thailand Railway"
- May 15, 1942 "World War II: In the United States, a bill creating the Women's Army Auxiliary Corps (WAAC) is signed into law."
- May 15, 1943 Halifax bombers sinks U-463
- May 15, 1943 Joseph Stalin dissolves the Comintern (or Third International).
- May 15, 1943 "Warsaw ghetto uprising ends, in it's destruction"
- May 15, 1944 "14,000 Jews of Munkacs Hungary deported to Auschwitz"
- May 15, 1944 Deportation of Hungarian Jews to Auschwitz begins.
- May 15, 1944 "Eisenhower, Montgomery, Churchill & George VI discuss D-Day plan"
- May 15, 1944 Sergei Aleksi becomes guardian of Patriarch Throne
- May 15, 1945 "Last skirmish of the Second World War in Europe fought near Prevalje, Slovenia."
- May 15, 1948 28 year old British Mandate over Palestine ends
- May 15, 1948 "Australia scores 721 runs in one day vs Essex, world record"
- May 15, 1948 "Bradman scores 187 Australia vs Essex, 124 minutes, 33 fours 1 five"
- May 15, 1948 "Egypt, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq & Saudi-Arabia troops attack Israel"
- May 15, 1948 "Egypt, Transjordan, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq and Saudi Arabia attack Israel."
- May 15, 1951 AT&T is first US company to have one million stockholders
- May 15, 1951 The cartoon Rabbit Fire is released.
- May 15, 1951 "The Polish cultural attache in Paris, Czesaw Miosz, asks the French government for political asylum."
- May 15, 1953 Heavyweight Rocky Marciano KOs Joe Walcott in Chicago for heavywgt boxing title
- May 15, 1953 "Osip Zadkines monument to ""The destroyed city"" unveiled in Rotterdam"
- May 15, 1955 Austrian Independence Treaty signed.
- May 15, 1955 Building of space travel center at Baikonur Kazachstan begins
- May 15, 1955 "First ascent of Makalu, the world's fifth highest mountain."
- May 15, 1955 "Vienna Treaty: Britain, France, US & USSR restores Austria's independence"
- May 15, 1956 "In Orleans Ontario, a Royal Canadian Air Force plane crashes into the Grey Nuns' Home for the Aged in Orleans, killing 15 people, including 11 nuns."
- May 15, 1957 "18,000 people at Madison Square Garden-Billy Graham launched a crusade"
- May 15, 1957 Britain tests its first hydrogen bomb in Operation Grapple.
- May 15, 1957 The first British H-bomb explosion (over Christmas Island)
- May 15, 1958 Sputnik III satelite launched by the U S S R
- May 15, 1960 Sputnik 4 launched into Earth orbit; later recovery failed
- May 15, 1960 Taxes took 25% of earnings in US
- May 15, 1961 36 Unification church couples wed in Korea
- May 15, 1962 US marines arrive in Laos
- May 15, 1963 "Last Project Mercury flight, L Gordon Cooper in Faith 7, launched"
- May 15, 1963 "Peter, Paul & Mary win their first Grammy (If I Had a Hammer)"
- May 15, 1963 Project Mercury: launch of Mercury-Atlas 9 with astronaut L. Gordon Cooper onboard. He became the first American to spend more than a day in space. Final Mercury mission.
- May 15, 1963 Tottenham Hotspur wins 3rd Europe Cup II at Rotterdam
- May 15, 1964 Sporting Portugal wins 4th Europe Cup II at Antwerp
- May 15, 1966 "South Vietnamese army battle Buddhists, about 80 die"
- May 15, 1967 Paul McCartney meets his future wife Linda Eastman
- May 15, 1968 "A tornado strikes Jonesboro AR at 10 PM, killing 36"
- May 15, 1968 "Paul McCartney & John Lennon appear on Johnny Carson Show to promote Apple records, Joe Garagiola is the substitute host"
- May 15, 1969 Associate Justice Abe Fortas resigns from Supreme Court
- May 15, 1970 "Beatles' last LP, ""Let It Be"" is released in US"
- May 15, 1970 Elizabeth Hoisington & Anna Mae Mays named first female US generals
- May 15, 1970 Philip Lafayette Gibbs and James Earl Green killed at Jackson State University by police during student protests.
- May 15, 1970 South-Africa excluded from Olympic play
- May 15, 1971 Number one hit on UK music charts - Dawn - Knock Three Times
- May 15, 1971 Radio Nordsee International's ship bombed
- May 15, 1972 Bus plunges into Nile River killing 50 pilgrims (Minia Egypt)
- May 15, 1972 George Wallace shot & left paralyzed by Arthur Bremer in Laurel MD
- May 15, 1972 "In Laurel, Maryland, Arthur Bremer shoots and paralyzes Alabama Governor George Wallace while Wallace is campaigning to be American President."
- May 15, 1972 Ryukyu Island & Daito Island returned to Japan after 27 years of US control
- May 15, 1972 "The island of Okinawa, under U.S. military governance since its conquest in 1945, reverts to Japanese control."
- May 15, 1974 "Ma'alot, Israel massacre - a total of 31 people, including hostage takers, are killed."
- May 15, 1974 "Mail truck terrorists take school in Ma�lot, 30 killed"
- May 15, 1975 Emmy 2nd Daytime Award & Emmy News & Documentaries Award presentation
- May 15, 1976 """Fonz Song"" by Heyettes hits #91"
- May 15, 1976 """Kentucky Moonrunner"" by Cledus Maggard hits #85"
- May 15, 1976 Emmy Creative Arts Award presentation
- May 15, 1978 "Lagumot Harris, having only been elected President less than a month before, is replaced as the leader of the republic of Nauru. He is succeeded by Hammer DeRoburt."
- May 15, 1980 Ottawa agrees to extend natural gas pipeline from Montreal to Quebec City.
- May 15, 1980 "Shawn Weatherly, Sumter SC, crowned 29th Miss USA/Miss Universe-1980"
- May 15, 1981 Soyuz 40 carries 2 cosmonauts (1 Rumanian) to Salyut 6
- May 15, 1982 Number one hit on UK music charts - Nicole - A Little Peace
- May 15, 1983 Madison Hotel (Boston) destroyed by implosion
- May 15, 1988 "Moscow begins withdrawing its 115,000 troops in Afgh�nist�n"
- May 15, 1989 "Maxwell House coffee runs ads during ""Roe vs Wade"" movie despite threat of boycott by right to lifers"
- May 15, 1989 Soviet President Gorbachev in Beijing for first Sino-Soviet summit in 30 years
- May 15, 1989 The Golden Toad was last seen due to extinction.
- May 15, 1990 """Portrait of Doctor Gachet"" by Vincent Van Gogh sold for $825 million"
- May 15, 1990 "Mona Grudt, 19, of Norway, crowned 39th Miss Universe"
- May 15, 1990 "Portrait of Doctor Gachet by Vincent van Gogh is sold for a record $82.5 million, the most expensive painting at the time."
- May 15, 1991 Angry independent truckers close down 20 km of Highway 401 near Toronto; cause huge traffic jams.
- May 15, 1991 "Defense releases docs claiming Noriega was ""CIA's man in Panama"""
- May 15, 1991 Edith Cresson becomes France's first female premier
- May 15, 1991 Manchester United wins 31th Europe Cup II at Rotterdam
- May 15, 1991 Nepal premier Bhattarai resigns
- May 15, 1992 Colombo '92 opens in Genoa Italy
- May 15, 1992 "In Kyrgyzstan a 6.2 quake resulted in three people killed, 5,500 houses completely destroyed and more than 4,000 houses damaged"
- May 15, 1992 New York department store chain Alexanders announces closing of all 11 stores
- May 15, 1993 Jane Seymour & James Kesch marry
- May 15, 2004 "The largest known prime number at the time of its discovery, 224036583 1, is found by Josh Findley and the GIMPS collaborative effort."
- May 15, 2007 "David Bain is released on bail, following a Privy Council ruling that a retrial should be undertaken on the murder of his four family members."