See what makes May 24 special at Famous Daily. History, birthdays, holiday, and a quote!
What happened on May 24
- May 24, 1153 Malcolm IV becomes king of Scotland
- May 24, 1218 The Fifth Crusade leaves Acre for Egypt.
- May 24, 1276 Magnus Laduls crowned King of Sweden in Uppsala Cathedral.
- May 24, 1300 "King Philip IV occupies Flanders, Earl Gwijde captured"
- May 24, 1370 Hanzesteden signs peace treaty with Danish king Waldemar IV
- May 24, 1487 Imposter Lambert Simnel ceremony crowned as King Edward VI of Dublin
- May 24, 1595 "Nomenclator of Leiden University Library appears, the first printed catalog of an institutional library."
- May 24, 1621 Protestant Union formally dissolved.
- May 24, 1626 "Peter Minuet buys Manhattan from Indians for trinkets, valued at $24"
- May 24, 1626 Peter Minuit buys Manhattan.
- May 24, 1653 German Parliament selects Ferdinand II king of Austria
- May 24, 1658 Battle of Dunes (Spanish-French War) fought
- May 24, 1667 French troops attack into Southern Netherlands
- May 24, 1689 English Parliament guarantees freedom of religion for Protestants
- May 24, 1689 The English Parliament passes the Act of Toleration protecting Protestants (Roman Catholics are intentionally excluded).
- May 24, 1726 People's revolt due to increase in gin/brandy tax
- May 24, 1738 "John Wesley is converted, essentially launching the Methodist movement; the day is celebrated annually by Methodists as Aldersgate Day."
- May 24, 1738 Methodist Church is established
- May 24, 1787 The Constitutional Convention is convened after a quorum of delegates attends in Philadelphia
- May 24, 1809 Dartmoor Prison opens to house French prisoners of war
- May 24, 1810 Argentina beings its revolt against Spain
- May 24, 1815 "George Evans discovers Lachlan River, Australia"
- May 24, 1818 General Andrew Jackson captures Pensacola FL
- May 24, 1822 "At Battle of Pichincha, Bol¡var secures independence of Quito from Spain"
- May 24, 1822 Battle of Pichincha: Antonio Jos de Sucre secures the independence of the Presidency of Quito.
- May 24, 1824 Pope Leo XII proclaims a universal jubilee
- May 24, 1829 Pope Pius VIII issues his program for the pontificate
- May 24, 1830 """Mary Had A Little Lamb"" is written"
- May 24, 1830 Mary had a little lamb by Sarah Hale is published.
- May 24, 1830 The first revenue trains in the United States begin service on the Baltimore and Ohio Rail Road between Baltimore and Ellicott's Mills.
- May 24, 1830 "The first U S passenger railroad begins service between Baltimore and Elliott's Mills, Maryland"
- May 24, 1832 The First Kingdom of Greece is declared in the London Conference.
- May 24, 1844 "Samuel F B Morse opens America's first telegraph line between Washington, D C and Baltimore, MD with the message ""What hath God wrought!"""
- May 24, 1844 "Samuel F. B. Morse sent the message ""What hath God wrought"" (a Bible quotation, Numbers 23:23) from the Old Supreme Court Chamber in the United States Capitol to his assistant, Alfred Vail, in Baltimore, Maryland."
- May 24, 1844 "The Baltimore Patriot carries the first-ever telegraphed news dispatch (received from Washington, D C )"
- May 24, 1854 "Anthony Burns, slave, arrested by US Deputy marshals in Boston"
- May 24, 1854 "Lincoln University, Pennsylvania, first Black college in US forms by Prebyts"
- May 24, 1856 "John Brown and his men murder five slavery supporters at Pottawatomie Creek, Kansas."
- May 24, 1856 Pottawatomie Massacre took place in Kansas
- May 24, 1861 Alexandria VA occupied by Federal troops
- May 24, 1861 "Major General Benjamin Butler declares slaves ""contraband of war"""
- May 24, 1862 Westminster Bridge across Thames opens
- May 24, 1866 "Berkeley CA named (for George Berkeley, Bishop of Cloyne)"
- May 24, 1870 "Memoria of Jackson Kemper, first Missionary Bishop in US"
- May 24, 1878 "CA Parker (Harvard) wins first American bike race, Beacon Park Boston"
- May 24, 1881 "Canadian ferry Princess Victoria sinks near London Ontario, 200 die"
- May 24, 1881 "The Canadian ferry Princess Victoria sinks near London, Ontario, killing 200 passengers"
- May 24, 1881 Turkey cedes Thessaly and Arta back to Greece.
- May 24, 1883 Brooklyn Bridge opened by President Arthur & Governor Cleveland
- May 24, 1883 The Brooklyn Bridge in New York is opened to traffic after 14 years of construction.
- May 24, 1884 Anti-Monopoly party & Greenback Party form People's Party in the US
- May 24, 1887 Sultan Bargash of Zanzibar grants East African Association at East African harbors
- May 24, 1890 Caprivi succeeds Bismarck on as chancellor of Germany
- May 24, 1890 "Geo Train & Sam Wall circle world in record 67 days, Tacoma-Tacoma"
- May 24, 1890 Tivoli Theater of Varities opens in London
- May 24, 1893 The Niagara Falls Park and River Railway opens in Ontario.
- May 24, 1895 Henry Irving becomes first theatrical knight
- May 24, 1895 Henry Irving becomes the first personage from the theatre to be knighted.
- May 24, 1895 Playright Oscar Wilde is convicted on a morals charge in London and sentenced to prison
- May 24, 1899 The first auto repair shop opens in Boston
- May 24, 1899 "The first public parking garage in the United States is opened in Boston, Massachusetts."
- May 24, 1900 Australians cross Vaal River in South Africa
- May 24, 1900 Britain annexes Orange Free State
- May 24, 1900 Second Boer War: The United Kingdom annexes the Orange Free State.
- May 24, 1901 78 miners die in Caerphilly pit disaster in South Wales.
- May 24, 1902 Empire Day first celebrated in Britain
- May 24, 1908 Belgium Catholic socialist/liberal parliamentary election
- May 24, 1909 Bristol University granted Royal Charter
- May 24, 1911 The New York Public Library opened.
- May 24, 1915 Enemy Contracts Annulment Act
- May 24, 1915 Formal truce on Gallipoli during which the Turkish dead of the 19 May attacks are buried
- May 24, 1915 World War I: Italy declares war on Austria-Hungary.
- May 24, 1916 French driven out of Fort Douaumont after 500 killed or injured
- May 24, 1916 Last British-Indian contract workers arrive in Suriname
- May 24, 1916 US pilot William Thaw shoots down a German Fokker
- May 24, 1921 British Legion is formed
- May 24, 1921 The first parliament for Northern Ireland elected
- May 24, 1921 The trial of Sacco and Vanzetti opens.
- May 24, 1922 Record temperature in Netherlands for May (35.6§C)
- May 24, 1922 Russian-Italian trade agreement signed
- May 24, 1928 Umberto Nobile flies airship over North Pole again
- May 24, 1929 "The Cocoanuts, the first film to star the Marx Brothers, opens."
- May 24, 1930 "Amy Johnson lands in Darwin, Northern Territory, becoming the first woman to fly from England to Australia (she left on May 5 for the 11,000 mile flight)."
- May 24, 1930 "Babe Ruth homers in both games of a doubleheader, giving him 9 in one week"
- May 24, 1930 "Bradman scores 252 Australia vs Surrey, 290 minutes, 29 fours"
- May 24, 1934 Colombia & Peru sign accord about harbor city Leticia
- May 24, 1935 "Babe Ruth, in a Boston Braves uniform, hits the 714th and final home run of his career in a game against the Pittsburgh Pirates"
- May 24, 1935 "Crosley Field in Cincinnati, Ohio, hosts major-league baseball's first night game ever as the Cincinnati Reds beat the Philadelphia Phillies 2-1."
- May 24, 1935 Swedish princess Ingrid marries Danish crown prince Frederik (IX)
- May 24, 1940 Dutch army demobilizes
- May 24, 1940 German tanks reach Atrecht France
- May 24, 1940 "Hitler affirms General von Rundstedts ""Stopbevel"""
- May 24, 1940 Igor Sikorsky performs the first successful single-rotor helicopter flight.
- May 24, 1941 "Bismarck sinks British battle cruiser HMS Hood, 1,416 die 3 survive"
- May 24, 1941 The German battleship Bismarck sinks the British dreadnought Hood in the North Atlantic
- May 24, 1941 "World War II: In the North Atlantic, the German Battleship Bismarck sinks the HMS Hood killing all but three crewmen on what was the pride of the Royal Navy."
- May 24, 1943 Admiral D”nitz stops U-boat in Atlantic Ocean
- May 24, 1943 Holocaust: Josef Mengele becomes chief medical officer in Auschwitz concentration camp.
- May 24, 1943 U-441 shoots Sunderland seaplane down over Gulf of Biskaje
- May 24, 1944 Enver Hoxha becomes head of Albania anti fascists
- May 24, 1944 Icelandic voters severe all ties with Denmark
- May 24, 1944 "Major John Keefer Mahony (The Westminister Regiment(Motor)) wins the Victoria Cross at the Melfa River, Italy"
- May 24, 1946 "Transjordan (now known as Jordan) becomes a kingdom, with King Abdulla Ibn Ul-Hussein as the new monarch"
- May 24, 1949 The Soviet Union ends the 11-month Berlin Blockade.
- May 24, 1951 Racial segregation in Washington DC restaurants ruled illegal
- May 24, 1951 Willie Mays begins playing for the New York Giants
- May 24, 1954 Dr Peter Murray Marshall becomes first black to head an AMA unit
- May 24, 1954 German airline Lufthansa forms
- May 24, 1954 "IBM announces vacuum tube ""electronic"" brain that could perform 10 million operations an hour"
- May 24, 1956 "Conclusion of the Sixth Buddhist Council on Vesak Day, marking the 2,500 year anniversary after the Lord Buddha's Parinibbna."
- May 24, 1956 "The first Eurovision Song Contest is held in Lugano, Switzerland and is won by the host nation."
- May 24, 1957 "Anti American riots breakout in Taipei, Taiwan"
- May 24, 1958 President Batista opens offensive against Fidel Castro's rebellion
- May 24, 1958 United Press International is formed through a merger of the United Press and the International News Service
- May 24, 1958 UP & International News Service merge into United Press International
- May 24, 1959 Empire Day renamed Commonwealth Day in England
- May 24, 1959 The first house with built-in bomb shelter exhibited (Pleasant Hills PA)
- May 24, 1960 1 millionth Dutch telephone installed
- May 24, 1961 27 Freedom Riders arrested in Jackson MS
- May 24, 1961 Cyprus enters the Council of Europe.
- May 24, 1961 U S President Kennedy asks the nation to put a man on the moon by the end of the decade
- May 24, 1962 M Scott Carpenter aboard Aurora 7 launched into earth orbit
- May 24, 1962 Number one hit on UK music charts - Elvis Presley - Good Luck Charm
- May 24, 1962 Project Mercury: American astronaut Scott Carpenter orbits the Earth three times in the Aurora 7 space capsule.
- May 24, 1964 18th Tony Awards: Luther & Hello Dolly win
- May 24, 1964 Beatles' 3rd appearance on Ed Sullivan
- May 24, 1964 "Panic in Lima Peru soccer stadium, kills 300"
- May 24, 1965 Supreme Court declares federal law allowing post office to intercept communist propaganda is unconstitutional
- May 24, 1966 """Mame"" opens at Winter Garden Theater NYC for 1508 performances"
- May 24, 1968 FLQ separatists bomb the U.S. consulate in Quebec City.
- May 24, 1968 Haiti closes down shortwave station 4VEH for 40 days
- May 24, 1968 Mick Jagger & Marianne Faithfull arrested for drug possession
- May 24, 1968 President De Gaulle proposes referendum & students set fire to Paris bourse
- May 24, 1968 Students set fire to the Paris bourse.
- May 24, 1968 "The Gateway Arch, located in St Louis, Missouri, is dedicated"
- May 24, 1969 "Beatles' ""Get Back"" single goes #1 & stays #1 for 5 weeks"
- May 24, 1970 Peter Queen quits Fleetwood Mac to join a religious cult
- May 24, 1970 The drilling of the Kola Superdeep Borehole begins in the USSR
- May 24, 1971 "A commuter bus plunges into Panama Canal, killing 38 of 43 aboard"
- May 24, 1972 Glasgow Rangers wins 12th Europe Cup II at Barcelona
- May 24, 1973 Earl Jellicoe resigns as Lord Privy Seal and Leader of the Lords.
- May 24, 1974 "Dean Martin Show, last airs on NBC-TV"
- May 24, 1975 A group of 80 reporters and cameramen are the first Westerners allowed to leave Saigon in South Vietnam since it fell to communist forces on April 29.
- May 24, 1975 Dutch Government of De Uyl decides to obtain some F-16's
- May 24, 1975 Soyuz 18B carries 2 cosmonauts to space station Salyut 4
- May 24, 1976 "London to Washington, DC Concorde service begins."
- May 24, 1976 Muhammad Ali TKOs Richard Dunn in 5 for heavyweight boxing title
- May 24, 1976 The first commercial SST flight to North America (Concorde to Washington DC)
- May 24, 1977 USSR President Podgorny resigns
- May 24, 1978 Dutch Investment bill (WIR) law goes into effect
- May 24, 1979 Billy Martin issues a public apology to Reno sportswriter Ray Hagar
- May 24, 1980 """Rock Lobster"" by B-52's hits #56"
- May 24, 1980 Iran rejects a call by the World Court in The Hague to release the American hostages
- May 24, 1981 "Bobby Unser wins, loses, & wins a controversial Indianapolis 500"
- May 24, 1981 Hostage situation ends at Central Bank in Barcelona Spain
- May 24, 1982 "Liberation of Khorramshahr, Iranians recapture of the port city of Khorramshahr from the Iraqis during Iran-Iraq War"
- May 24, 1983 Fred Sinowatz succeeds Bruno Kreisky as chancellor of Austria
- May 24, 1983 Supreme Court rules government can deny tax breaks to schools that racially discriminated against students
- May 24, 1983 "The Brooklyn Bridge, linking the New York boroughs of Brooklyn and Manhattan, opens to traffic"
- May 24, 1985 """View to a Kill"" premieres in US"
- May 24, 1985 "Cyclone hits Bangladesh; about 10,000 die"
- May 24, 1986 Country Singer Garth Brooks marries Sandy Mahl
- May 24, 1986 Reginald Huffstetler treds water for 985 hours
- May 24, 1987 "Al Unser Sr, 47, wins his 4th Indianapolis 500"
- May 24, 1988 John Moschitta set record for fast talking: 586 words per minute
- May 24, 1988 "Porntip Nakhirunkanok, 19, of Thailand, crowned 37th Miss Universe"
- May 24, 1988 Power outage in Boston Garden in NHL's Stanley Cup finals
- May 24, 1988 Section 28 is passed as law by Parliament in the United Kingdom.
- May 24, 1989 """Indiana Jones & the Last Crusade"" premieres"
- May 24, 1989 AC Milan wins 34th Europe Cup 1 at Barcelona
- May 24, 1989 French war criminal Paul Touvier arrested in monastery in Nice
- May 24, 1989 NHL's New York Rangers fire general manager & coach Phil Esposito
- May 24, 1989 "Sonia Sutcliffe, wife of the Yorkshire Ripper, is awarded a six-figure sum in damages after winning a libel action against Private Eye."
- May 24, 1989 Weird Al Yankovic records his UHF soundtrack
- May 24, 1990 "A car carrying American Earth First! activists Judi Bari and Darryl Cherney explodes in Oakland, California, critically injuring both."
- May 24, 1990 Andre Dawson receives a record 5 intentional walks in a game
- May 24, 1990 "Stanley Cup: Edmonton Oilers beat Boston Bruins, 4 games to 1"
- May 24, 1991 "Israel conducts Operation Solomon, evacuating Ethiopian Jews to Israel."
- May 24, 1992 "Jay Leno makes his Tonight Show debut as permanent host, succeeding Johnny Carson"
- May 24, 1992 "The last Thai dictator, General Suchinda Kraprayoon, resigns following pro-democracy protests."
- May 24, 1993 Eritrea achieved independence from Ethiopia after 30-year civil war
- May 24, 1993 Eritrea gains its independence from Ethiopia.
- May 24, 1993 Kim Basinger files for bankruptcy to avoid paying $7.4 million settlement
- May 24, 1993 Kurd rebellion kills 33 soldiers & 5 citizens in Turkey
- May 24, 1993 Microsoft unveils Windows NT.
- May 24, 1994 Four men convicted of bombing New York's World Trade Center in 1993 are each sentenced to 240 years in prison.
- May 24, 1994 Poison singer Bret Michaels gets into a car crash
- May 24, 1996 """Spy Hard"" starring Leslie Nielsen is released"
- May 24, 1997 Actor Tim Allen arrested for drunk driving in Michigan
- May 24, 1999 Venezuela enters the Antarctic Treaty System.
- May 24, 2000 Israeli troops withdraw from southern Lebanon after 22 years of occupation.
- May 24, 2001 Mountain climbing: 15-year-old Sherpa Temba Tsheri becomes the youngest person to climb to the top of Mount Everest.
- May 24, 2001 The Democrats gain control of the U.S. Senate for the first time since 1994 when Senator James Jeffords of Vermont abandons the Republican Party and declares himself an independent.
- May 24, 2001 "The Versailles wedding hall collapse in Jerusalem, Israel, kills 23 and injures over 200 in Israel's worst-ever civil disaster."
- May 24, 2002 Russia and the United States sign the Moscow Treaty.
- May 24, 2010 China Soccer rocked by corruption scandals. Players and officials from China and Hong Kong arrested on suspicion of taking bribes from gambling syndicates for match fixing.
- May 24, 2010 "Tribal gunmen have kidnapped two American tourists along with their driver and translator, and are demanding the release of their jailed tribesman for the pair, - Yemen"