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    What happened on October 16

    • October 16, 0456 Magister militum Ricimer defeats the Emperor Avitus at Piacenza and becomes master of the western Roman Empire.

    • October 16, 1311 Council of Vienne opens

    • October 16, 1775 "Portland, Maine burned by British"

    • October 16, 1780 "Royalton, Vermont and Tunbridge, Vermont last major raid of the American Revolutionary War."

    • October 16, 1781 "George Washington captures Yorktown, Virginia after the Siege of Yorktown."

    • October 16, 1793 Battle of Wattignies.

    • October 16, 1793 "Marie Antoinette, wife of Louis XVI is guillotined at the height of the French Revolution."

    • October 16, 1813 The Sixth Coalition attacks Napoleon Bonaparte in the Battle of Leipzig.

    • October 16, 1829 "Tremont Hotel, first US modern hotel opens in Boston"

    • October 16, 1834 Much of the ancient structures of the Palace of Westminster in London is burnt down.

    • October 16, 1841 "Queen's University is founded in Kingston, Ontario, Canada."

    • October 16, 1843 "Sir William Rowan Hamilton comes up with the idea of quaternions, a non-commutative extension of complex numbers."

    • October 16, 1846 Dentist William T Morton demonstrated the effectiveness of ether

    • October 16, 1849 "Avery College establishes in Allegheny, Pennsylvania"

    • October 16, 1859 "John Brown leads 20 in raid on federal arsenal, Harper's Ferry, Va"

    • October 16, 1861 Confedercy starts selling postage stamps

    • October 16, 1867 Alaska adopts the Gregorian calendar

    • October 16, 1869 "Cardiff Giant, one of the most famous American hoaxes, is discovered."

    • October 16, 1869 "England's first residential college for women, Girton College, Cambridge, is founded."

    • October 16, 1869 Hotel in Boston becomes the first to have indoor plumbing

    • October 16, 1875 "Brigham Young University is founded in Provo, Utah."

    • October 16, 1882 The Nickel Plate Railroad opens for business.

    • October 16, 1905 The Partition of Bengal (India) occurred.

    • October 16, 1906 The Captain of Kpenick fools the city hall of Kpenick and several soldiers by impersonating a Prussian officer.

    • October 16, 1916 Margaret Sanger opens first birth control clinic in Brooklyn

    • October 16, 1923 Disney Company is founded

    • October 16, 1925 Germany Weimar Republic signs Lucarno agreement guaranteeing as equal partner with Western European states the frontiers of Western Europe and that no country will attack or invade the other.

    • October 16, 1925 Texas School Board prohibits teaching of evolution

    • October 16, 1926 "US Troop ship sinks in Yangtze River, killing 1,200"

    • October 16, 1931 Trunk murderess Winnie Ruth Judd kills her first victim

    • October 16, 1934 "Chinese Communists begin the Long March; it ended a year and four days later, by which time Mao Zedong had regained his title as party chairman."

    • October 16, 1940 Benjamin O. Davis Sr. named first African American general in the United States Army.

    • October 16, 1940 Benjamin Oliver Davis Sr named first black general in regular army

    • October 16, 1940 Lottery for first US WW II draftees held; #158 was drawn 1st

    • October 16, 1940 Warsaw Ghetto established

    • October 16, 1941 """Gordo"" comic strip first appears in newspapers"

    • October 16, 1941 General Hideki Tojo takes over as Japanese Premier.

    • October 16, 1941 Germany advances within 60 miles of Moscow

    • October 16, 1942 "Cyclone in Bay of Bengal kills 40,000 south of Calcutta India"

    • October 16, 1943 Chicago opens new subway system

    • October 16, 1943 "The Navy accepted its first helicopter, a Sikorsky YR-4B (HNS-1), at Bridgeport, Connecticut"

    • October 16, 1945 "The Food and Agriculture Organization was founded in Quebec City, Canada."

    • October 16, 1945 UN's Food & Agriculture Organization comes into existence

    • October 16, 1946 10 Nazi leaders hanged as war criminals after Nuremberg trials

    • October 16, 1946 "Ten war criminals of the Second World War, condemned in the Nuremberg trials are hanged."

    • October 16, 1949 "Nikolaos Zachariadis, leader of the Communist Party of Greece, announces a ""temporary cease-fire"", effectively ending the Greek Civil War."

    • October 16, 1951 "The first Prime Minister of Pakistan, Liaquat Ali Khan, is assassinated in Rawalpindi."

    • October 16, 1952 Woolworth's opens in San Francisco at Powell & Market street

    • October 16, 1957 Queen Elizabeth & Prince Philip visit Williamsburg Virginia

    • October 16, 1961 Cork Airport opened in Ireland.

    • October 16, 1962 Cuban missile crisis began as JFK becomes aware of missiles in Cuba

    • October 16, 1968 "Kingston, Jamaica is rocked by the Rodney Riots, inspired by the barring of Walter Rodney from the country."

    • October 16, 1968 United States athletes Tommie Smith and John Carlos are kicked out of the USA's team for performing a Black Power salute during a medal ceremony.

    • October 16, 1969 Soyuz 6 (Russian) returns to Earth

    • October 16, 1969 "United States - The ""miracle"" New York Mets win the World Series, defeating the Baltimore Orioles 4 games to 1."

    • October 16, 1970 "Anwar Sadat elected president of Egypt, succeeding Nasser"

    • October 16, 1970 "Canada - In response to the October Crisis terrorist kidnapping, Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau invokes the War Measures Act."

    • October 16, 1972 "The Commission of Inquiry in the Matter of the Employment Practices Relating to the Running-Trades' Employees in the Railway Industry, the Gallagher Commission publishes its report. This looked at the employment practices, particularly hours of work."

    • October 16, 1973 Henry Kissinger and Le Duc Tho are awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.

    • October 16, 1973 Kissinger & Le Duc Tho jointly awarded Nobel peace prize

    • October 16, 1975 "The Balibo Five, a group of Australian television journalists based in the town of Balibo in the then Portuguese Timor (now East Timor), are killed by Indonesian troops."

    • October 16, 1976 Soyuz 23 (Russian) returns to Earth

    • October 16, 1978 Karol Jzef Wojtya becomes Pope John Paul II.

    • October 16, 1978 Polish Cardinal Karol Wojtyla elected supreme pontiff-John Paul II

    • October 16, 1982 Mt Palomar Observatory first to detect Halley's comet on 13th return

    • October 16, 1984 Desmond Tutu is awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.

    • October 16, 1984 "Desmond Tutu, black Anglican Bishop, wins the Nobel Peace Prize"

    • October 16, 1985 Intel introduces 32-bit 80386 microcomputer chip(more power more power!!)

    • October 16, 1987 "175-kph winds cause blackout in London, much of southern England"

    • October 16, 1987 "Baby Jessica, Jessica McClure, is rescued after being trapped in a well for 58 hours."

    • October 16, 1987 Great Storm of 1987: hurricane force winds to hit much of the South of England killing 23 people.

    • October 16, 1987 Jessica McClure rescued 58 hrs after falling 22 feet into a well shaft

    • October 16, 1990 "US forces reach 200,000 in the Persian Gulf"

    • October 16, 1991 "George Jo Hennard, 35, kills 23 & himself & wounds 20 in Texas"

    • October 16, 1991 "Jharkhand Chhatra Yuva Morcha is founded at a conference in Ranchi, India."

    • October 16, 1991 "Luby's massacre: George Hennard runs amok in Killeen, Texas, killing 23 and wounding 20 in Luby's Cafeteria."

    • October 16, 1993 "Anti-Nazi riot breaks out in Welling in Kent, after police stop protesters approaching British National Party headquarters"

    • October 16, 1995 "The Million Man March occurs in Washington, DC."

    • October 16, 1996 "Eighty-four people are killed and more than 180 injured as 47,000 football fans attempt to squeeze into the 36,000-seat Estadio Mateo Flores in Guatemala City."

    • October 16, 1997 First color photograph on the front page of the New York Times appeared

    • October 16, 2002 "Authorization for Use of Military Force Against Iraq Resolution of 2002, was signed into law by President George W. Bush."

    • October 16, 2002 "Bibliotheca Alexandrina in the Egyptian city of Alexandria, a commemoration of the Library of Alexandria that was lost in antiquity, is officially inaugurated."

    • October 16, 2007 "AOL, once the largest ISP in the U.S., lays off over 30% of its worldwide workforce, including over 750 employees at the Dulles, Virginia headquarters, as part of its transition from ISP to online advertising provider."

    • October 16, 2009 "A strong earthquake hits Indonesia, causing mass panic and evacuations in Jakarta."

    • October 16, 2009 An opinion poll shows that 65% of Czechs support President V�clav Klaus? refusal to sign the Lisbon Treaty.

    • October 16, 2009 "At least seven people are killed and at least ten are injured in an explosion at a mosque, police station and passenger bus in Peshawar, Pakistan."

    • October 16, 2009 "Australian pop singer, songwriter, and actress Kylie Minogue makes her Hindi cinema debut in Blue, thought to be the most expensive Bollywood production ever."

    • October 16, 2009 "Controversial Dutch politician Geert Wilders arrives in the UK amid protests from the Netherlands, proclaiming ""a victory for the freedom of speech""."

    • October 16, 2009 Czech Prime Minister Jan Fischer says President V�clav Klaus's disruption of the Treaty of Lisbon is harming the country's credit.

    • October 16, 2009 "Five men are convicted in Sydney, Australia of plotting a terrorist attack."

    • October 16, 2009 "German heavy metal band Rammstein releases their seventh album, Liebe ist f�r Alle Da in Germany."

    • October 16, 2009 "Guinea's civil service minister Alpha Diallo resigns after a massacre of opposition supporters, following agriculture minister Abdourahmane Sanoh who resigned days earlier."

    • October 16, 2009 "In Berlin, the reconstructed Neues Museum officially reopens after 70 years."

    • October 16, 2009 "North and South Korea fail to agree on further family reunions, after the North linked the prospect with humanitarian aid deliveries."

    • October 16, 2009 One part of Movement for the Emancipation of the Niger Delta (MEND) ends a three-month ceasefire and resumes attacks on the oil industry in Nigeria.

    • October 16, 2009 "Roy Bennett is later released from jail on bail, ordered by the High Court."

    • October 16, 2009 "The MDC partially pulls out of the unity government with Zanu PF in Zimbabwe after one of their members, Roy Bennett is detained on terrorism charges."

    • October 16, 2009 The Secretary-General of the United Nations Ban Ki-Moon announces plans to establish a commission into the killing of unarmed protestors in Guinea last month.

    • October 16, 2009 The surviving members of Boyzone fly to Majorca to escort the body of Stephen Gately home to Dublin. (

    • October 16, 2009 The UK Press Complaints Commission's website crashes after receiving hundreds of complaints about a Jan Moir article in the Daily Mail concerning her views on the singer's death. Retailer Marks & Spencer withdraws advertising and Nestl� disassociates itself from her writing.

    • October 16, 2009 "The United Nations Human Rights Council endorses the Goldstone report on the Gaza War, accusing both Israel and Hamas of war crimes."

    • October 16, 2009 The United States records a budget deficit of $1.42 trillion

    • October 16, 2009 Uruguay becomes the first country to provide a laptop for every child attending state primary school.

    • October 16, 2009 Voters in Botswana take part in a general election.

What happened on October 16 - What happened on my birthday. Today in History. Dates In history

Visitors' Postings

    • October 16, 1945 "Visitor posting - Charlene Marie Lawrence was born in Kenosha, WI - USA"

    • October 16, 1958 Visitor posting - mighty_0z ... The omniscient 0z is born of God's stardust to enjoy the rights of a brief time passage in this universe. - USA [email protected]

    • October 16, 1961 Visitor posting - Robin Lisa Rosenberg born - USA

    • October 16, 1972 "Visitor posting - Stephanie Hutton was born in San Diego, CA. - USA"

    • October 16, 1973 Visitor posting - Jennifer George born - USA

    • October 16, 1979 Visitor posting - Great Mangesh Was born in Mumbai - India

    • October 16, 1996 Visitor posting - Brandon Presley was born - USA

    • October 16, 2003 "Visitor posting - Steven Tyler Wright was born in Manassas, Va, USA"

    • October 16, 2006 Visitor posting - vincent white jr started dating danielle drake - USA

    • October 16, 2009 Visitor posting - Joseph R Larsen married Christina L Hess pet: - USA